Arriving In The Glade

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A/N here we go guys!


You awoke in a completely black, box-like room. It was rushing upwards at an alarming rate, the floor vibrating.

You soon realised that all you could remember about your life before this box was your name. You racked your brain for even the smallest memory, but none came.

You felt your heart rate quicken and you started hyperventilating. A panic attack. As you felt it start to take over you, the box slowed to a stop.

You looked up at the celling and noticed that blinding light was starting to come through it. Eventually, the whole celling was open and you had to squint.

As soon as your eyes became adjusted to the light, you saw a bunch of puzzled faces staring at you. They were all teenage boys.

They were all yelling stuff like "It's a girl!", "I call dibs!", and "Why a girl?"

Eventually, a boy with blonde hair jumped down and faced you. You were still breathing quickly, and you stared backing into a corner.

"Hey Greenie, it's okay. We're not gonna hurt ya." He said calmly in his British accent, and held out his hand.

"I'm Newt, what's your name?" He asked. "Y-Y/N" you stuttered, and took his hand. "And what's a Greenie?"

He chuckled. "Everything will be explained in the tour. Now, let's get you up." A couple of the boys above you threw down a rope, and the they pulled you up.

The first thing you noticed was the four walls surrounding you, with gaps in the middle of all of them. Someone noticed your breathing and put a hand on your shoulder.

"You okay there?" He asked, but you stepped out of his reach and started running towards one of the massive gaps.

At first, a couple of the boys laughed. "Looks like we have a runner on our hands!" One of them said, before they noticed that you were almost at the gaps.

"Hey, someone bloody grab her! She's heading for the doors! They'll be closing in a minute!" The Blonde Brit yelled.

You had just reached one of the doors when they all started to close. You just kept running, but you heard pounding footsteps right behind you.

Someone tackled you from behind just as the doors closed, sealing you and whoever was on top of you in this stone place.


Part 2 will be coming soon!!
Love ya my Gladers!
- LivingLovelyLies

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