Arriving In The Glade (Part 2)

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A/N The story's back, back, back, back again, gain, gain! Here we go! <3


"Great, look what you've done shuck-face. Only just arrived, the only girl in this whole damn place, and you've already been more trouble that the lot of them." A voice said. You turned around to look at him. "Well, if we're gonna be stuck in here together, we might as well know eachothers names. I'm Minho, but you can call me sassy." He outstretched his hand.

"Y/N" you responded. "I like that name. Now, lets gets running." He - Minho - said, grabbing your arm and pulling you along with him. "Oh, also, be careful, don't die." He added.

You ran with him, slightly slower than him. Minho eventually stopped and told you to shut up. You listened carefully, and heard a nearby whirring and clicking noise. "Shuck." Minho muttered. "We need to be fast. Come on, hurry!" He spoke in a rushed tone.

While you were running, you decided to ask him something. "What are we even running from?' You asked, curiosity consuming you. "Let's just say that you should avoid the thing that's making that noise." He answer firmly. You opened your mouth to question him, but quickly shut it, focusing on running.

After a while, Minho stopped, making you bump into him and stumble. He caught you before you fell over, and pulled you over to a wall.

"Right, we haven't tried this before, but it might just work. See these vines?" He grabbed onto them. "We need to climb up them. We're at the entrance to the Glade. But we still have a couple of hours of nightfall. So I think we should try climbing up the vines, and onto the top of the wall. There're vines down the wall inside the Glade that we can climb down." He explained his plan.

"Uh, okay. You go first then." You gestured him to climb. "Nah, you first. That way if you fall I can catch you." You stepped forwards, tugging on the vines to make sure they would support you.

You climbed for what seemed like hours until you eventually reached the top of the wall, Minho following behind you. He walked forwards and sat down, his legs dangling over the edge.

You look over into the place the boys called the Glade, and noticed a few people gathered at the wall, talking and pointing excitedly. "Minho, I think they see us." You said, and his eyes lit up. He waved down at a few of them, before turning to you.

"Let's get climbing then." He said simply, and started his decent. You followed, even more careful not to slip.

It didn't take as long as before to get down. Most of the boys ran over and hugged Minho, or gave him a pat on the back. You just stood at the side awkwardly watching, soon deciding to walk over to the forest you spotted when you were at the top of the wall.

"Hey, Greenie! Where you going?" Someone yelled, making you walk faster. An argument seemed to be happening behind you, one voice standing out. "She should be banished! She broke the number one rule! I know you agree!" You had no idea what he meant by 'banished', but you didn't intend to find out.


Hey guys! Should I make a part 3? I probably will anyway. Comment what you though, private message me suggestions for other imagines or for part 3!
Love you guys!
- LivingLovelyLies

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