Calum and Luke

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Calum: Calum went out to the store down the street to go get some stuff you guys needed for the house you have together. Calums text appeared on your phone screen, "I'll be home in about 15 minutes, alright?" You replied with, "Ok, babe. I'm going in the shower." Being him, he sent a wink face. He didn't know, but you were depressed more than usual day. Your parents are mad at you for whatever reason, you got into a fight with your best friend, and you're getting a little hate on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Going into the shower and staring at the razor was no help. You wanted it to hurt you. Self-harm was something in the past for you and you haven't done it in years. But you did it, again. There was no holding back, either. Well, Calum came home earlier than expected. Probably just to not miss you in the shower. He opens the door, "Y/N" and you hear the smile in his voice. Dropping the razor and shaking he says your name again. This time not with a smile. You didn't respond again. Thats when he opened the blurry door made of glass. You stare back at him with tears in your eyes, and he is in just as much shock as you are. He jumped in with you and hugged you, not caring that he's getting all wet. Not caring that he's crying. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so fucking sorry." It hurts you to see him cry. "Calum this is none of your fault, I'm sorry." You say in his arms. He kisses you so hard and kisses your arm, too. "It'll be okay. I'll help you."

Luke: Luke and you went on a road trip together which you always loved. Luke loved you more than anything and the same went for you loving him. It was the summer and you were going to the beach, but he didn't know about the scars on your thighs that you are very insecure about. You didn't know you would end up at the beach until you saw the signs on the side of the road. Panic fled your mind when he said, "Don't worry I brought your swimsuit. Wouldn't want you to be at the beach in jeans." and smirked. You just fake smiled. Once you parked, he said "Change in here." You looked at him and said, "Luke, I'm fine with jeans, I mean-" and he cut you off. "Y/N, it's like 100 degrees out here." He had a point but you didn't want him to look at you badly when he saw your legs. You changed anyway just to make him happy, but covered up by tying your cover-up shirt around your waist. Once you got walking to the beach, holding on to his hand, the shirt slipped down to your feet and he saw. You were in shock and didn't know what to say. "Y/N.." he said staring to your eyes. You never expected that to happen. Staring at your feet with tears in your eyes, Luke wrapped his arms around you. He hugged you so tight, you felt comforted by it. He kissed your neck and asked why you did it, when you stopped, when you started. He told you how sorry he was and how much he loves you. Luke even told you how much you're worth it. Then you guys sat on your beach towels and just talked about the past, and then talked about the future.

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