Your Bullied(Requested)

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Ash- You've been bullied ever since you were in the 5th grade for being suicidal. The kids made fun of you, called you names. The told you things like 'Why don't you go home and kill yourself?' Or 'You're worthless. I hope you die!' What they didn't know is that what they were saying was just making it worse. Now with your celebrity boyfriend, things have gotten worse. His fans hate on you more than you have ever been hated on. They tell you that Ashton is too good for you. They tell you that he could do better than a suicidal whore like you. Finally, you have had enough. You storm into your and Ashton's shared flat and run into your bathroom. You dig through the drawers in the bathroom trying to find the razors you hid from Ashton when he had you throw all your old ones out. As soon as you get out a razor, you sit down on the floor and position it in your wrist. You cut as deep as you can, watching the velvet blood flow from your arm. You keep cutting and cutting and cutting. Until finally, there was no where else to cut. So you go to your other arm, then your legs. The door to the bathroom burst open and there stands Ashton "Y/N what the hell? Why would you do this?" he ask. He crouches down beside you and pulls you into his arms,not minding the blood that just stained his white shirt. "The fans. The hate. The bullying, it's killing me inside" you sob into his shirt. He runs his fingers through your hair, shushing you. "Listen, it doesn't matter what they think. I love you and I can't live without you, you can't leave me, not like this. Promise me, Y/N, that you will never leave me."he whispers into your hair "I promise" you say as you cry into his shirt. He gets towels and stops the blood that is still flowing out of your arms and legs. "It's all gonna be okay, I promise" he whispers as he kisses your forehead.

Mikey- You sit in class, listening to the teacher bore on and on about John Adams. When a piece of paper lands on your desk. You get up to throw it away, accidentally getting in someone's way "Move fatass" they growl at you. You walk back over to your desk and sit down, zoning out on what ever the teacher is saying. "Y/N would you mind answering the question?"the teacher says "Um...Um..." you go quiet, and the whole class laughs. "Will everyone just quit laughing at her and calling her fat?" someone yells from behind you. You turn around to see your Ex, Micheal, leaning back in his chair with a scowl on his face "She's not fat, she's fucking perfect" he adds. You smile at him, mouthing the words 'Thank You' when everyone quits laughing.

Cal- You walk through the mall with your boyfriend, Calum, by your side. Everyone keeps looking at you and whispering and pointing towards you guys. Calum notices and turns towards a group of girls who are laughing while pointing in our direction "Calum, what are you doing?" you ask while tightening your grip on his arm. "Excuse me?" he ask as soon as we get directly in front of them "What's so funny?" he ask, calmly. The girls freeze in place before the middle one starts laughing again. "Your girlfriend. Look how skinny she is. Is she anorexic?" the middle one ask "How about you leave my girlfriend alone. She has things going on in her life and you're just making it worse" he growls at them. The girls back away "Sorry" the one in the middle says as they run off in the opposite direction. "No one messes with my baby girl" he whispers as he kisses your hair. You guys keep walking and no one even looked in your direction.

Lukey- You're walking in the park with your boyfriend, Y/B/N, when you stop and look at him "I think we need to break up" you say. He stares down at you in shock, letting go of your hand. "What why?" he ask,a confused expression on his face. "I just think it's best if we see other people" you say. He glares down at me "Have you been cheating on me?" he yells at you. "What? No." you say while shaking your head. "Yeah,you have. All you are is a dame whore!" he yells at you. Just then, someone shoves him, making him fall backwards. "Don't you ever call her a whore again. She is a beautiful young woman and if I ever hear you call her a name again I will make you regret it." the person growls. He let's go of Y/B/N and backs up "Get out of here!" he yells. Y/B/N runs of in the opposite direction, leaving you and this mystery boy. "Thanks" you sat with a small smile "My name's Luke" he says, holding out his hand. You take it and shake it "Y/N" you say. He smiles at you "Y/N, what a beautiful name" he says. Your smile grows wider "Here's my number. Text me sometime." he says, handing you a piece of paper. You take the paper and smile at him "Will do. It was nice meeting you, Luke. Thanks again." you say, waving at him as you walk off.


Well,I haven't undated this in a while and I felt like I should. My friend helped me with this idea. So thank you. I really needed help coming up with an idea. I will try to update soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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