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It was 11:36 PM and it was also heavily raining while a young man ran through the streets of Beijing China.

Wei Ying gulped as he entered the hotel umbrella in hand, he can't believe his actually doing this nonetheless in 'Qishan Wen Hotels' since that's the closest hotel he can find that has over 20 floors which is perfect for the game.

He quickly enters the hotel and left his umbrella in the umbrella stands right beside the entrance doors while internally contemplating his choices once again, no wonder Jiang Cheng told him to stop before it's too late but who can blame him? He is a fan of the supernatural after all and this game just seemed to have the potential but of course he should be more careful.

Well at least he has his phone (to take pictures for 'proof') and the rules with him instead of nothing.

Oh right, he almost forgot as he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey Lan Zhan!"


"I know but I'm here now"

"I promise I'll be fine don't stress it out alright?"

After that quick call Wei Ying slid his phone back to his pocket and continued his way to where the elevators are located at.

Soon enough Wei Ying finally found himself standing right in front of an elevator and with a deep breath he went in.

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jiang Cheng asked with a tint of worried lacing in his tone making Wei Ying want to tease him so badly but sadly he couldn't considering he is still not over his great wretched defeat in Mario Kart.

"Relax Jiang-Xiong, as far as I know Wei-Xiong will surely follow the rules" Nie Huaisang insisted while said latter raised an eyebrow for whatever those two are planning to do with him now, he sure hopes to get this over with.

Both Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang expectantly looked at Wei Ying who only uttered a word "what?" as he crossed his arms expecting an explanation.

Nie Huaisang cleared his throat and began "Wei-Xiong I'm sure your aware about the Elevator Game?" he asked air quoting the word Elevator Game at the process while Wei Ying in the other hand was confused.

What the Hell is an Elevator Game?

"I'm a bit disappointed in you Wei-Xiong" Nie Huaisang sigh as he fanned himself "Well Nie-Xiong can you please elaborate what this 'game' is all about then?" Wei Ying asked matter of factly.

"Huaisang I don't think this is a good-" Jiang Cheng started off only to be interrupted "Aww is my didi worried about me?" Wei Ying teased the other while Jiang Cheng only flipped him off making Wei Ying snicker.

"Anyways Nie-Xiong don't mind my didi you can continue the story" Wei Ying added not listening to Jiang Cheng who once again told him not to call him that.

"As far as I know the Elevator Game originated in Korea where the person gets to visit an alternate dimension and it is believed that this sort of ritual is a hundred percent real!" Nie Huaisang explained "Hundred percent real huh? Then where's the proof?" Wei Ying questioned further.

Nie Huaisang quickly pulled out his phone from his pocket and typed some things in it and handed it over to Wei Ying "It states here that two years ago a woman in her 20's was announced dead in a hotel in Los Angeles, some speculated that she committed suicide but there was a CCTV footage of her acting really weird in an elevator, she was pressing a lot of buttons and talking to no one in particular and that's where the rumors of her trying to do the ritual began" Nie Huaisang exclaimed in one breath and both Jiang brother's are really impressed about his ability to not breath heavily and act like his going to pass out at any minute after all those words he just spilled.

Just A Game // Wangxian Where stories live. Discover now