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"So first we go to... The fourth floor?" Wei Ying muttered looking down at the piece of paper that is in his grasp.

He slowly raised his hand and pressed the button for the fourth floor, patiently waiting for the elevator to ascend. The elevator doors slowly closed leaving Wei Ying in silence as he felt everything around him moves up.

A loud sound similar to a bell was heard and the doors slowly opened only for him to be greeted by no one in particular.

Wei Ying then proceeded to press the button for the second floor, Adrenaline running through his veins when the elevator gave off a loud 'ping' and still no signs of no one.

Another button was pressed (the button for the sixth floor to be exact) and this time someone went in making Wei Ying internally groan 'great, I have to start all over again' he thought as the stranger pressed for the fifth floor and for a few seconds of silence the sound of a bell was heard once again then the elevator doors opened and on que the stranger darted out of the elevator.

Wei Ying pressed the button for the fourth floor.

The elevator goes down and no one was there.

Another one for the second floor.

The elevator goes two floors down and no one was there.

Followed by another press for the sixth floor The elevator goes four floors up and no one was there.

Another for the second floor.

The elevator goes four floors down and no one was there.

Then for the tenth floor.

The elevator goes eight floors up and no one was there either, Wei Ying slids his phone out and surprisingly his phone still has a signal.

And lastly for the fifth floor.

The doors slides open and this time Wei Ying's eyes met with someone's shoes.

He quickly looked down at his notes and there it was, in bold capitalized letters.


Holy shit, this is literally happening. Where the Hell did all his confidence go now?!

'I can still back out if I go to the first floor right?' he thought to himself, petrified to look anywhere aside from the floor buttons and the note in his shaking hands.

Without any thinking he pressed the button for the first floor but suddenly the elevator decided to go up instead.

Wei Ying looked down at his notes and he swore he read that he can quit the game if he presses the first floor but little did he knew he missed one information.


No no no no now he regrets it. He should've just agreed to Lan Zhan to do there usual activity cause this one is really happening and his right beside a ghost who will kill him if he doesn't stick to the rules.

"Are you alright hun?"

Wei Ying froze, he wasn't a fool even if he is mentally terrified.

"And when you play the game there's actually a trial to go to the other world which includes a woman which is that entity who's gonna try and communicate to you and do NOT look nor talk to her at all cause" Jiang Cheng's warning ran through his head.

Somehow they were only at the seventh floor, they're only 2 floors away but it seems like they are moving so slow and Wei Ying wants to scream about why does it feel like it's gonna take an eternity to go to the tenth floor unlike before, which only took a minute.

"Did you know that there's gonna be an incoming storm?"

Shut up please.

"Hey, do you like bunnies?"

No (yes)

"We're only a floor away"

Thanks for the reminder.

"Can I see what's in your hand?"

Nope never in eternity.

"It seems like you admire the color red... Do you somehow like spider lillies?"

Stop please

"You know it's bad if you ign-"

A loud bell like sound rang in the air making the woman shut up and Wei Ying more distraught when the doors open. Right in front of him showed no sign of life at all, the electricity seemed to be shut down and the only source of light there is, is a bright red cross reflecting from every window of the room.

Snap out of it Wei Ying! You brought this to yourself so deal with it! He internally told himself, swallowing the lump that was forming in his throat.

'Get out quickly' the voice in his head instructed and just like that he felt his legs moving out of the elevator by itself and it feels like the woman is throwing burning daggers in his back even tho he knows she's just staring intensely at him which is a creepy thing to do.

After taking ten steps (yes, he counted) away from the elevator without looking back, he quickly took his phone out of his pocket and it actually turned on! But there's no signal at all.

Hold on a minute, Wei Ying quickly turned around to the source of the voice not caring about his surroundings any longer as worried and curiosity washed over him.

"A-Jie what are you doing-"

His eyes met the daunting and murderous red eyes of a woman, not his A-Jie who has the softest and warmest eyes who is married to a peacock and now has a son named Jin Ling.

His such a fool and an idiot for thinking she would be here.

This woman is paler than her A-Jie, she has a cold and menacing aura and she's even taller than Wei Ying.

She let out a chuckle that made Wei Ying stiffen a bit as she looked him directly in the eyes this time aside from her emotionless face she now has a smirk.

I mean who would expect to just cross to another dimension and think that there's gonna be signal? For fucks sake he's in a world filled with invisible ghosts who can devour his soul at any second.


A murderous one.

" Ȳ̵̢̻̫̪̖͓̰̱̳̙̍͂̅̀͝o̸̳͔̻̰̘͑̈́̕u̴̡̝̗̲̯̞̪̜̹͔͛̍̚ ̴̢̫̭̫̮̗̯̰̼͈́̕̕l̵̡̰̬̼̺̠̳̈͌́̀ǒ̴̘̤͍͎̑o̸̻͈̭͈͙̜̭͗͋̉̈́͆̈͋̈̇̽ķ̷̨̳͓̤͙̪̠̳̼̆̓͐̎̃ę̶̬̺̣̹̫̜͙͉̄̐͒̏͆̇d̷̮̄̎̾̽̕͝ "


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