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He was frozen in place that he hadn't even realized that he was shamelessly crying in front of the other man.

How the Hell did he even find him before the woman can? And most importantly how the fuck did he got here?

"La-Lan Zhan?" he stuttered out, eyes still focused on the other who slowly and successfully entered the stockroom without making any sounds, he then proceeded to approach the other man only to kneel down and give the smaller man a hug, surprising Wei Ying with the sudden gesture.

"I'm here" Lan Zhan softly whispered in his ear and rubbed small circles on his back to try and calm the trembling man.

"...H-how did you e-even get here?" Wei Ying finally mustered up the courage to ask as soon as he calmed down.

Lan Zhan stayed silent for a few seconds and finally answer the others question.

"Followed Wei Ying from the beginning"

Wei Ying wanted to scold Lan Zhan when he finally processed his answer, why would he do something like this?! He promised to stay out of this experiment that now had gone to complete shit but he did the opposite of what he just swore to Wei Ying!

He wanted to scold Lan Zhan so badly but all he can do right now is melt in Lan Zhan's embrace to ease the forming anxiety inside of him.

So he hugged him as tight as he can and he swore he could hear the others heart beat and it was fast, he wonders why Lan Zhan's heart is beating too fast but that thought washed away when the other whispered soft nothings into his ears, guess his anxiety is acting up really badly.

When Wei Ying finally calmed down again he had no idea how many seconds or even minutes had passed by already but he knows that the both of them can't just stay there forever, the woman might find them and kill them there.

"Lan Zhan.. We need to get out of here" Wei Ying began and slowly broke the comfortable hug both of them where doing a few moments ago, even tho he doesn't want to let go from the hug he doesn't have much of a choice anyways considering they'll both be dead anytime soon.

He slowly crawled his way to the side of the door that was left half way open by Lan Zhan and took a peek if someone's nearby and thankfully there was no sign of any spirits, he gave out a sigh of relief and successfully closed the door without making any creaking sounds at all.

"I-I'm quite unsure where we will both be heading next but we have to find a way out of this place"


Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan and gestured for him to continue.

"We can use the elevator we both came from and repeat the ritual to get home"

So there was actually a way to get home even if you already fucked up the ritual? He should really do a lot of research instead of trusting Nie Huaisang's notes and advises this time, and it also sounds too easy to do but with a lady who is out there to get you makes it more difficult considering she's a spirit and a fast seeker... But to rethink about it she still hasn't found the two of them yet so there's still hope.

"Lan Zhan do you know how much I love you right now?" Wei Ying joked to lighten up the mood while Lan Zhan only stayed silent and looked away from Wei Ying probably from embarrassment which made Wei Ying quietly chuckle.

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