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He ran.

He doesn't care to take a few quick glances behind him.

He doesn't know where his feet is taking him, as far as he knows his been turning to every corridor that he encounters just to fool the lady and he soon found himself in a room that actually has a bunch of stairs that led down to other floors "this must be the fire exit!" He whispered to himself, good thing he has luck this time considering he wasn't even paying attention to the rooms his been barging into due to the raging anxiety inside of him.

" C̷̡͈̰͈̫̻͆͒̊̊̈́͋̇̈̕O̴͎̩̙̜̖̗̫̺̣̿͒̈́͗̓͂̾M̷̖̖͙̏͜E̶̛̙̙͚̺͉͆͛͌ ̴͔͈̦̬̓́͐̌̋̆͒͠B̶̨͐͋̾̿̇̿Ą̸̛̹͔͉̦̱̯̗̦͋̎͆̏̾̓̏̎͘Ċ̷̨̜̖̗̻̳͉̩͆͘͘K̴̪̖͈̯̮̰̂̅̌ ̶̞̄̾͋͝Ȟ̶͓͔̏͌̊̈̾̾͝͝Ȩ̸̥̱̀̃̈͆͂͘̚̚͘͝R̶̮͇̥̳͎̤̭̺̜̖͝Ẹ̷̄̓̑͝ͅ "

the woman's shrill scream reached Wei Ying's ears as he slammed the door shut and desperately looked at both of his sides and spotted a metal crow bar and quickly attached it to the doors hoping she won't get in anytime soon and with that he quickly sprinted down the stairs not caring if he trips or not and if he does at least that would boost him to get to another floor faster.

Half way through the stairs he came across a few doors already and the shouting and loud banging of the door up there got crucial at every step he took but that didn't stopped him to go a bit down further.

When he can't hear the voice of the woman and the banging of the door anymore he decided to open up one of the doors and ran through the corridors only to hide under a table that he stumbled on and he isn't even sure if his currently in the fifth floor or maybe sixth 'Come on brain work for a minute!' he internally scolded himself as he released a breath that he didn't knew he was holding when he was chased down. He isn't even sure if there's still hope for him to return to his world since he already fucked up the ritual for foolishly thinking that it was his A-jie who was talking to him.

He took his phone out but when he tried to open it it only remained shut "how come it isn't working anymore?" Wei Ying lowly whined in despair and shaked his head as he quietly and quickly left his hiding spot and regained his posture.

He shouldn't wait and hide here any longer.

" T̶̢̙̙̮̞̣̙̞̄ȟ̶̻̥̲̥̘͈̒̐̚͜e̴̱̍̓̏̇̔̈r̶̨̺͉̤̄̄͊͐̆̈́̐̚e̵̡̟͖͇̋͗̄̎̈́̕ ̴͍̼̥̘͖͖͊y̴̺̬͆̓̏̅̌o̸̡̞̼̺͖̻̞͕͇͎̊̾͊̎̚͘͝u̶̱̩̔̈́̈́̔͆͛̑̓ ̸̥͎̫̊̈́ȃ̶̡̡̘̗̺͙̖͉͚̬̊̍͛͐̄̂͛͘r̸̮̝̳̦̥̗̱͚̘̐e̴̢̛͈͈̿̽̐̏ "

A deeper and murderous tempo of a woman's voice whispered in his ear, he quickly took a step back and turned around only to face the lady...?

He took another step back as expected.

"Did you really thought you can keep me for long hmm?" The woman- scratch that monster spoke and Wei Ying can't believe What he is seeing right now, the woman he first looked in the eyes has no eyes anymore the only thing you can see are the flesh that are still fresh, her fragile and pale eccentric skin now has blue like veins popping out at every corner of her body and her hair is in shambles.

What the Hell just happened to her?

"̸̩͕͍̲͑̅̉R̸̡͚̞̜͚̥̣͉̺̫̈̈̈́͌Ụ̶̳̟̣̬͇̹̺̱̓̊͑͝N̶̢̨̹͖͙̰͇͔̍̽̀͐̋̚͠͝ ̵̼̥̱̬̻̹̲̳̘̯̉̓̈́͛Ạ̸̝̖͎͓̊̎̈̀̉͛̍̏̾͘S̴̢̭͔͆̾ ̵͖͂̿̈̑̊̌̈́̈́͝F̷̧̳͓͙̼͒́̎͗͜Ǎ̶̰͕͕͕̰̉͝S̷͙̭̺͓̩̟̃̏̽́̈͊̕T̵̢̛̝̣͎͖̤̩̣̘́͊͜ ̶̟̫̝̎̃͆͗̕Ä̵̖̺̤̱̟͉̺͚͕̻́̏̃̌͝S̴̢̢̫̱̮̭̣̳͆ͅ ̷̳̘̣̖̘̫́Y̸̰͍͍̪̮͕͍̱͍̓͒̊͘Ó̵̧͔̏̅̀U̶̡̡̮̤͔̟͉̟͚̞̇̽̂̏̈̋̆͘̕ ̴̧̢̝̰̈́̅̈̅̅͜C̸̥͕̟̱̭͆͛͊̋͌̋͜ͅA̵̟̼̞̼͕̓͑̒̈́̽̽Ņ̷̳̳͍̯̟̀̆̉̚ͅ ̶̪͚̮͎̤͕̌̈́̏́͛̾L̷̫̥̺͇̩̱͌̑̂̎̂̆͗̀͠Ī̴̛̬̬̒̔̈Ţ̶̜̓͂̾͂̎̄͆͌T̷̺̣̋͆̅͒L̵̰͍̗͇͎̻̳͕̂̌̆̊̉͜Ë̶̢̤̯̩̻͈̥͕̤́͊͘ͅ ̵̨̧̪͙͈͉̻͙̀̓͆̈́̾̆̓̊͜͝O̴̡̘͔͖̥̜̣͔̭͙̔̽̈́̇̇̚N̸͉̅̉͘Ę̴͙̦̟̼́̂̈́͛͊̓̎͋"̵̡͇̺͑̆̓̇͆̉̓̄

it shouted and it's form decided to dissipate like water and God was it disgusting to see but her entire body drop like water, even the blood was visible who knew ghosts still have blood? Or maybe it was borrowing someone's body... He doesn't need to know about that but right now a shiver ran down his spine as the entities laughter is still ringing in the air as it forms to another one and Wei Ying has no time to lose as he ran to the direction he previously came from which where the stairs were located at.

He (again) slammed the door behind him as soon as he reached the stairs and continued to go down, there's no more use to go up and enter the elevator he already fucked it up and everything got darker, the atmosphere and even the red cross in the sky turned a bit darker than it was before he turned around to look. 

So the only thing he can do is survive in this Hell hole he put himself into until he can find a way back.

-  -  -  -

He let's out a shaky laugh as soon as he sees the dead end of the stairs, this is perfect he can finally leave this hotel and-


fuck why is he an idiot?!

He froze when his hand was resting at a door knob.

Is he sure he can really survive in this world? His a powerless mortal, and there could be a few ghosts much more terrifying than the thing that is still probably chasing after him and who knew maybe if he opens this door the first one he'll be greeted with is the taste of death?

Well may death do him part.

He twists the knob and enters the room only to meet no one, the atmosphere is so quiet and the red light is reflecting in every part of the floor...

"Fuck it, guess I have to try and survive" Wei Ying muttered under his breath and walked through the empty halls trying to find the exits of the hotel and he somehow realizes that it isn't even raining in this world.

He knew he wasn't that far from the fire exit when he heard the creaking sound of the door and was met with dead silence.

He's literally fucked up.

Without any thinking he quietly enters a room that was close to him and it's actually a janitors stockroom that he entered. He slumped down and buried his face in between his knees as he hugged himself for comfort.

He wants to cry so badly but no, he doesn't want to show any weaknesses even if his anxiety is horribly acting up or he is close to deaths doorstep.

He just wishes Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng won't blame themselves for this or A-jie won't mourn so badly for his foolishness. But who is he kidding? He brought this to himself, Jiang Cheng already warned him about how dangerous this game is and has been bugging him to quit but he didn't even spared the time to listen to his excuses while his pride took over him.

Oh God what would Lan Zhan even think? He hopes he'll find someone who's willing to stay by his side, wishes for him to make a few more friends and to open up mo-

A foot step.

His breath hitched.

Another step.

His whole body began to shiver with tears threateningly ready to fall in any minute now.

'I can't cry damn it!'

Guess he wasn't that lucky anymore.

The foot steps became more audible and there it was, a looming shadow visibly standing right outside his door.

He can't move as his eyes grew fixated at the door.His heart beating extremely faster when the door knob began to rattle.

He was ready to embrace his fate.

The door suddenly swung open and a lone tear escaped his eye as two dark gold glinting irises met the petrified silver irises of his.

"Wei Ying"

Just A Game // Wangxian Where stories live. Discover now