𝐓𝐖𝐎; nightmares

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"quackity!" karl yelled around the house. he hadn't seen the boy since dinner when he said he would be back, and dinner was no over with the boys half full plate still laying there.

karl approached quackity's bedroom door and slowly opened it, finding an empty bed. he sighed, closing it again. he walked around the hallway, stopping when he heard a gag coming from the closed bathroom door.

"q? are you okay? are you sick?"  karl knocked but heard a gag again in response, making him worry.

sapnap approached as well, looking worried sick.

"quacky? were coming in okay?" sapnap held the door knob slowly turning it. "n-no, it's fine i-im okay," quackity tried to stop the two but it was too late.


blood everywhere.

it was dribbling down the small mans chin, and tears staining his skin.

karl wanted to throw up himself, and he could see sapnaps shaky breaths as he went and held quackity.

there were dozens of petals, even full flowers on the blood as well. 

"q... whats going on?" karls eyes scanned the unusual petals and flowers. something was wrong. 

something was so wrong.

KARL AWOKE with a jolt, sitting up and clenching the his shirt. the dream seemed so real, almost too real.

he hated the visual of the blood and flowers, it creeped him out. he decided to go see sapnap, seeing as quackity would probably not want to know karl had a dream about him throwling up blood and flowers.

he made his way down the hall to sapnaps bedroom, softly knocking as sapnap answered the door. he let karl in, them both taking a seat on the bed.

"why're you up? it literally 4:20 am," sapnap started a conversation, seeing as it was getting awkward. "i could say the same for you." karl giggled, replying.

"whatever, anyways. what do ya need?" 

"i.. had a weird, nightmare? i guess?" karl started to tremble, still thinking about the sight.

"what do you mean?" sapnap questioned, looking at the older. "it was.. about quackity. he had said he would be right back when we were eating dinner, and when we finished he still wasn't back. we went upstairs and looked for him, and found him in the, uh, bathroom..." karl stopped himself.

"what was he doing in the bathroom?" sapnap let out a shaky breath. 

"...he was throwing up blood.. and petals, and full on flowers." tears pricked karls eyes thinking about it. "it was so strange, i've never seen anything like it.." 

sapnap could see karl was close to breaking and brought him into a hug. karl gladly accepted, stuffing his face into sapnap's shirt and sobbing.

after a couple minutes karl calmed down. "sorry," he muttered.

"its okay. say, why don't you sleep in here tonight, cuddle with the homie, yeah?" sapnap smiled at karls giggles. he didn't know why he felt like he was gonna pass out around the boy, he found him so cute. sapnap shook it off. "i was about to sleep anyways."

karl nodded, getting into bed.

"so, are you gonna tell quackity?" sapnap asked, holding karl closer to him. "maybe," karl whispered into sapnap's shirt. "i think it'd be best not to though, we never know how he would react. he could freak out for all we know." 

sapnap nodded.

the boy hunched over the sink, blood dripping down his mouth onto the counter. a few petals fell out of his mouth as he sobbed. karl looked down. he wasn't in his own body, it was like he was spectating quackity.

it was a horrid sight, again the blood and petals and flowers pouring out of his mouth. 

and it all felt so real.

he watched the boy struggle for a couple more minutes, feeling helpless. the choked sobs turned into down pour, has he gagged and his face showed he wanted to die at that moment.

karl didn't know what to do.

"karl!" karl was awoken by sapnap shouting his name is a panic. he sat up, rubbing his eyes and reading the clock. it was 7:45.

"you were crying in your sleep," sapnap sighed. karl touched his face, indeed feeling the tears roll down his cheeks. he hadn't noticed.

"..was it another nightmare about .. that?" karl slowly nodded, keeping his head down.

they both knee sonething deep down was wrong.

but what was it?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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