Sensei, Part 1

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Ashkiri Temple

A few hours after Enchantress and Qaramzi el Zal had their fun, Sensei found the latter in an intense and bloody spar in his private training room with ten of the best Shadows at the Temple and ten more who were average and provided support against Qaramzi el Zal, and hid himself so that he could observe.

Judging by the weapons some of the twenty Shadows were using, some of which were on the floor along with their either groaning and/or bleeding users, Sensei knew that Qaramzi el Zal had ordered his sparring partners to go all out with the purpose of killing him, like usual.

And for every opportunity they missed he delivered brutal punishment in the form of broken bones, torn muscles, ligaments and tendons, and other maiming attacks that didn't offer the sweet bliss of unconsciousness but ensured mistakes were never repeated. Having an attack blocked and countered was better than missing an opportunity.

It was how Dusan al Ghul and Sensei trained Qaramzi el Zal, after all. It was how they forced him to unleash the monster he had been holding inside and oh, what a monster they unleashed the day they pushed too hard.

A roaring black-gray pointy ears monstrous man-beast with sideburns, black sclera and crimson iris, claws for nails and fangs for canines, both sharper than any blade forged and oh, the terrifying speed and strength which the beast used to brutally and violently destroy them like they were nothing.

And because of his accelerated healing, a lot of Shadows died that day doing their all, using all kinds of methods, to stop the monstrous man-beast and failing miserably.

It was only because of Enchantress that Dusan and Sensei survived, although they were hanging on to life by the thinnest of thin threads.

To give them a solid hold on life, a life for a life Lazarus Pool ritual was conducted by Enchantress herself. Dusan and Sensei were individually placed into the Pool with a Shadow each, sacrificed to revitalize them.

That was how Scott McCall, the boy that Dusan ordered Enchantress to find and teleport to the Temple because he had a vision of what Scott could become and succeed him as Shadow and lead the Guild of Shadows to new heights, died and Qaramzi el Zal, Crimson Shadow, was born.

Since then, Qaramzi el Zal has exceeded any expectations they had and became what Sensei was certain his son, the previous Ra's al Ghul and Dusan's father, would have done anything to have him in the League of Assassins and become his prophesied successor.

Qaramzi el Zal inspired a devoted and loyal following like no other person Sensei has ever met or heard of, and the amazing part was that he didn't have to brainwash Shadows or use fear.

"When you fight against any adversary, always overestimate their skill and experience, and attack them with only one goal, killing them as fast and as swiftly as possible so that you can get away without leaving a trace before their reinforcement arrives." Qaramzi el Zal told his sparring partners who were all on the floor, groaning and bleeding but listening intently while he was completely unharmed.

"Every Shadow is skilled because the Guild trained you all to be, but that doesn't mean you have to show your skill against an enemy you can just kill with one move and be on your way." Qaramzi el Zal continued. "We are called Shadows for a reason.

A shadow mirrors its origin and only does what its origin does in relation to the direction of light and doesn't stray from it. You are the shadow, your mission is your origin and surroundings your direction of light.

When your mission is to steal an item, blend in with your surroundings so that light doesn't expose your presence and steal that item like shadows touch their surroundings but never leave a trace.

Don't get yourselves in a situation you will be forced to fight, look for a path with the least resistance and take it. If that path is to hide and run like a coward, take it, because there's no honor in killing a security guard just because you exposed yourself.

No origin is without a shadow except light, and even light can have a shadow when a brighter light is brought into play.

What that means is that the Guild of Shadows has you as its shadow but if you get caught or killed on the field, the Guild loses a part of its shadow so don't get caught or killed. But in the case that you are caught, you know what you have to do.

Do it with honor and knowledge that your name will be remembered and forever arched on the Wall of Fallen Shadows and your body will be recovered and buried where it belongs.

But if you asked to be resurrected you will be given two choices, continue to serve the Guild or leave the Guild, retire and live your second normal life in peace, knowing that you did your part in making the world a better place."

"What if it isnt my second life but third, or maybe fourth?" Sensei asked, revealing himself to the surprise of the Shadows but not Qaramzi el Zal. "What if I retire but don't fit in the society I return to, Master Qaramzi el Zal?"

"We have Ashkiri City, Sensei. And there, retiring Shadows are offered all the help they need to adjust to normal life and most choose to live in the City after the retirement process is complete." Qaramzi el Zal responded. "While some, like yourself, choose to continue serving the Guild by recruiting and training new Shadows.

But for you, Sensei, I know that nothing short of permanent death will make you retire."

"صحيح، صحيح جدا. *Right, very true* إنه لشرف لي أن أتلقى هذا الموت الدائم من يدك. *It is an honor for me to receive this permanent death from your hand*" Sensei replied in Arabic, and Qaramzi el Zal narrowed his glowing red eyes on him when the injured Shadows didn't seem even a little surprised.

Qaramzi el Zal handed a Shadow nearest to him a vial of Lazarus Pool water to drink and pass on to other Shadows before they returned it to him and they left the training room afterwards to fully recover, leaving Qaramzi el Zal and Sensei alone.

"Everyone already knows." Qaramzi el Zal stated more than asked.

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