Starling City is Dying

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The Glades

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we have reached the closure of this week's show and fortunately, we don't have anyone to name and shame." MC announced, and the crowd approved with cheers. "What this means, is that we don't have to wait any longer than we already have for Star City Band and Scott McCall to get back on the stage.

So, please welcome back Star City Band and Scott McCall! (Cheers and whistles)"

Star City Band and Scott came onto the stage with the crowd restless and while the band took their places Scott took point once again to deliver a short speech and the crowd quieted down.

"Hello, Glades!" He greeted, loudly and very much the opposite of what he was taught by Dusan al Ghul, Sensei and his other masters from the Guild of Shadows.

"Hello, Scott McCall!" The crowd returned his greeting, and he couldn't help but smile.

After being called Qaramzi el Zal for four years, it felt great being called by the names his parents gave him, it was refreshing.

"I hope you've enjoyed yourselves because this week is a fortnight and that means the reveal of how much we have raised this fortnight." Scott continued. "I know that our target might seem far but little by little, cent by cent, we will get there.

The Glades will get a new emergency shelter and it will be because of each and every one of you. In the meantime, we

🎶 gotta be somebody."

With that, Star City Band and Scott McCall began to sing

🎶 Lost in Kostko - Somebody
Malcolm Merlyn's Villa, Corto Maltese

"How is it possible that the whole crew disappeared, along with my projects, without a trace?" Malcolm asked Rainie, who was seating across from him in his office.

"I'm as much in the dark as you are, sir." Rainie replied, truthfully. "I sealed the lab, just as you instructed, with the crew inside. I didn't unseal it when I brought out the drone since it was in a separate location and I still have my access card so no one could have found and used it to access the lab."

Malcolm didn't want to acknowledge what Rainie was implying, although he recalled Lourdes leaving the Sea of Souls while Saracon forced him to confess.

There was a possibility that Malcolm's lost access card was stolen by Lourdes and she granted her Hidden subordinates access to the lab.

"Ensure that every inch of that place is thoroughly covered and searched." Malcolm instructed, letting go of the blame game, for now. "I expect answers, Rainie."

"Yes, sir." Rainie responded, before she was dismissed and she left.

A moment after she left, Malcolm received a notification on his phone informing him of a withdrawal made from the account he set up for Thea. He wondered if she will contact him about the side effects of using the Lazarus Pool.

H.I.V.E. Main Base of Operations, Unspecified Location

"'Sometimes I wanna go back
To the way it was
But then again back then
I was just a no one
Don't wanna be just anyone
Gotta be somebody
Gotta be somebody, be somebody'"

Damien Darhk watched Beacon Fundraisers' Starring Glades on a streaming service on his laptop as the boy that was trying to ruin his plans performed.

"You're right; your parents can't help you this time." He said to himself.

Damien watched as Star City Band and Scott McCall paused after performing the song and MC approached Scott with an envelope for the total amount of the fortnight's raised funds with the drummer providing drum roll.

"Glades, this fortnight's shows raised..." Scott began, and paused to open the envelope and took out a piece of paper with the amount, only to do a double take and look at MC, who had returned backstage, questioningly and she nodded. "It appears we have broken a record this fortnight, Glades.

And I can't find it in myself to make the announcement. I'd rather you see the amount yourselves without me saying it first, so, on a count of three."

Damien settled back on his chair, expecting for at least one bullet to end Scott McCall's life on that count, courtesy of his H.I.V.E. agents.

But to his surprise, nothing happened apart from the crowd doing a double take of their own before they cheered and celebrated the fortnight's success which saw more than triple the funds raised in the last two fortnights.

"I don't know about you, but I think our target doesn't seem that far anymore and that deserves a closing song." Scott said.

The crowd agreed and with that Star City Band and Scott McCall proceeded to play their closing song.

🎶 Five North - Echo

Damien resisted the urge to throw his laptop across the room in frustration. Somehow, none of the agents he sent to either kidnap or kill Scott McCall has succeeded.

They just kept on disappearing and Scott seemed none the wiser. It was almost as though the boy had a guardian angel watching his back.

If there was one, Damien wanted to drain the life out of that guardian angel's body.

Starling City Police Department

"Go home and rest, Captain." Naomi, a detective, advised Quentin after finding him asleep in his office. "You won't be any good to anyone if you keep this up."

"You know what? I think you might be right." Quentin said,

"You know I am. You're getting too old to stay here all night."

"We're about the say age, Naomi. If I'm getting too old, so are you." Quentin commented.

"Say what you will but you don't see me sleeping at work like a certain captain." Naomi said, and then added on her way out of the office. "But then again, I don't have the same responsibilities as you. This city is truly in need of a new mayor."

"It is, but no one wants to become the mayor because of the recent history of the position." Quentin responded, and when Naomi was out of hearing range he said to himself. "And Starling City is dying."

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