Chapter 13| Parents

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Dream POV
GEORGE IS STILL NOT ANSWERING THE FUCKING PHONE I- ha shit he has to understand soon- he'll understand they'll all understand- it just- takes time.

Techno POV
"Phil I know there's more important things to do I ju-"
"Techno you need a break just go to bed I can look for you- what are you looking for again?"
"Something about Karl so just look for his ancestors." I finally just walked off my brains to tired for this.

3rd person
Techno went to go to sleep, Phil decided he should research in a library, which the only one he could think of was Karl's. The fiancé's decided to head over to bad and skeppy's place. They decided to walk, since it was close enough and Sapnap was carrying Quackity on his back, and Karl was picking flowers and putting them in all of their hair.

They finally get to the door and then sapnap realized "did we text them we were coming over or-"

"To late already knocked" Karl hummed, and a second later they hear rat barking louder than ever and skeppy call

"Wait Quackity before you talk to bad do-"
"SAPNAP KARL HI!! Quackity."
"Mm. Well anyways come in I wasn't expecting people over today so don't mind the mess! GEPPY!! SAPNAP AND HIS FIANCÉ'S ARE HERE!!"

After a couple minutes skeppy came down looking tired as fuck. But when he sat down rat immediately licked his face to wake him up.

"H- hey Sapnap, Karl, Quackity what's up?" Skeppy hummed with a yawn in between. Bad got up to get everyone a muffin.

"Um... we haven't done to much recently, atleast nothing that comes to mind. Thanks bad! Anyway w- oh my- bad these are so good I missed your baking!" Karl hummed as he took a bite of his muffin. Bad was always amazing at baking.

"Thanks Karl! Anyway have you planned anything about the wedding yet or just putting it off- more.."

"Bad you don't have to butt into their personal life just let them liv-" skeppy started getting cut off
"I'm not butting in on anything! am I?" Bad argued back but turned to the fiancé's for their opinion they all just shrugged.

~more talking that I'm to lazy to type:]~

"I'll be right back I need to go to the bathroom." Karl stated in the middle of a life game, everyone was to loud to notice what he said.

Karl went into the bathroom and right as he was about to walk out a swirl dragged him into another era this time he went to a old western town and just walked to the bar.

"Where is Karl?" Sapnap just realized he was gone. "Not again-" Quackity mumbled which only bad would hear "AGAIN?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN AGAIN? WHAT HAPPENED?!" Bad starts yelling

"Nothing he just disappears randomly and we don see him for hours or sometimes days but we've gotten used to it we tried asking but he just changes the subject. I try not to think of it but yeah-"

Back at the library Phil was just reading something about Karl's ancestors until- the words changed- the  printed words on the book suddenly changed telling a whole other story.

'Holy shit' Phil thought and then immediately went for his phone until- a neon green portal with purple swirls coming out of it appeared. He ran behind a table and saw Karl hop out of it and then run to a basement. Phil ran to the books checked them out and ran for the door. He got his phone and quickly dialed a number-

"Techno I got some information-"


Heyy so it's been awhile lol-

Um yeah here's some stuff

Go eat drink water take care of yourselves! Also go watch some vods that you love! You deserve it!!

Love you<3

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