Who Did This To You?

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"Who did this to you?" His voice trembles with barely restrained rage.

"No one. I told you, I was training and I accidentally banged into the pole." I'm lying, and we both know it, but I still try to hide the shaking of my hands as I remember the incident.

"Love, tell me, right now. Please," Tom pleads, and at the sight of his usually harsh eyes, soft only for me, I nearly tell him. But I don't.

"What will you do if I don't?"

"I'll just have to find out some other way. Using much more... bloodier methods. But you can save me the time and reduce the chance that the bastard gets away with doing this."

"Bastards," I mumble.

He had been pacing the floor in front of me, but at my quiet comment, he's back in front of me and gently gripping my arms as he stares into my eyes and asks, "Darling, there was more than one?"

I nod, and duck my head, unable to look him in the eyes.

"Who, love? Tell me who they are, and I can make sure they'll never hurt you again."

"Aidan and Matthew. And they did more," I say in a rush, "they hit me and kicked me in places they knew would be covered by clothes. Along with some cutting. Like little slices not deep enough to be serious, but enough to where it hurt. A lot. And they threatened to kill my family if I told you."

He pulls me into his arms, before saying, "Love, I would never let anything happen to them. And I am so sorry that this happened to you. I promise, I won't let this happen again."

"It's ok. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but-"

He puts a finger to my lips and whispers, "You don't have to apologize for anything. You did nothing wrong. They did. They were wrong the second they touched you. Because you're mine. Mine. And anyone who does, has to answer to me."

I nod my head and whisper, "Thank you. For everything."

He simply kisses my forehead, before sweeping me up in his arms and escorting me off to the bed, where he lowers me down as gently as if I were a piece of glass, waiting to shatter. But then he kisses me gently on the lips and whispers, "Stay here and rest, love. Please?"

"Ok. But, I want you here with me." I whisper back.

"Let me catch them, love, and then I'll come back here and I won't leave your side. I promise I'll be back before you can miss me, darling."

"Ok. But hurry back. I miss you already."

"Of course, princess. In the meantime, relax. I love you," He calls as he walks away, while still looking back at me over his shoulder.

"I love you too, Tom. Good luck."

He stops in the doorway and turns to face me fully and says, "Thanks, love, but it's not me that needs it. After all, I'm the one who has you as my lucky lady." He winks, and leaves the room, and I'm left feeling better than I have since the incident.

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