Friends, Family, and Fireworks

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I love summer. The heat, the sun, the free time. Sports, cookouts, all of it. Nothing compares to it. Best time of the year, hands down. Especially the fourth of July.

The fourth of July is one of the best holidays of the year. Friends and family get together and hang out, making memories and it's a day for fun in the sun. Swimming is a tradition, as is the barbecue afterwards of all the classic summer foods. And I can't forget to mention the parades because those are always awesome.

But once night falls, that's when the real fun begins. Everyone hurries over to the village circle which houses the best spots for watching the fireworks. Wrapped in blankets, lying on the ground, fireworks erupting in the sky. Red and green and blue and purple. So many different colors and patterns that it's a wondrous sight to see. They explode in the sky in perfect coordination, almost as if they were timed to the beat of a song only they could hear.

I. Love. It.

Usually, everything is perfect for this special American holiday of mine. But this year, I'm hoping it'll be so much better than usual. Because this year, my boyfriend Tom will be there and I've never shared this holiday with any of my past boyfriends before just in case they ruined it for me.

But I trust Tom. And I have a really good feeling about this year's festivities for some reason.

And so far, so good. The day has been perfect and I'm excited as ever for the fireworks, like usual. The village has promised the best fireworks ever this year and combined with the excitement of hanging out with Tom along with a few of my friends including Tina and Renee, and my family, I'm nearly bursting with anticipation and happiness right now.

We're all in the village circle, claiming our spots on the grass to watch the fireworks, and everyone is goofing off and enjoying themselves. The sun has set and it's steadily getting darker out. I can see the moon and the stars by now, which means that any minute the show should be starting.

"Smith clan! Come grab your spots! The show's about to start!" My mom calls out to the group of us messing around a little distance away.

I, of course, immediately stop what I'm doing and rush over to the blankets to claim the best spot. Say what you want, but everyone knows I'm competitive and I love watching fireworks, so I do what I have to when I want to get the best seat.

The others are less enthusiastic and take their time wandering over. Tom's among them and he's chuckling lightly at me and my behaviour.

"What's so funny, Tommy?"

"You. You're wrapped up in a blanket and you have the best seat. I just think it's cute how much you love this holiday and the fireworks, that's all," he says with a grin.

"What can I say, this is the best part of summer and nothing can change my mind."

He chuckles again, and sits down behind me. He spreads his legs around me, and I lean back into him while his arms lovingly hold me.

We sit there for a few minutes, chatting quietly, when it starts.


A lone firework shoots up into the sky and explodes in a bright circle of emerald green. My face breaks out into a grin as the firework show begins.

And just like that, it's over too soon. A mere forty-five minutes after the show begins, it's done.

I'm sad, yet content at the same time. I've seen my fireworks and I'm happy about that, but I'm sad that it's over so quickly and that I'll have to wait another year before I can see them again. For the most part, at least.

But such is the way of life, right?

Anyways, back to the present. Everyone's packing up and chatting about the amazing fireworks (which was as good as the village promised, I might add), and Tom quietly asks me, "Which one was your favorite, love?"

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