Come Away, Little Lamb

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AN: Hi guys. Here's a werewolf one shot for u. I would recommend listening to the song above as u read. It kinda helps set the mood for the fic. Anyways, enjoy and happy Monday.

Come away little lamb come away to the water
To the arms that are waiting only for you
Come away little lamb come away to the slaughter
To the one appointed to see this through
We are coming for you

I see him in the shadows, his big brown eyes the only thing visible besides his sharp, gleaming fangs, and I can only hear these lyrics playing through my head. Warning me, connecting the dots, but it's too late. For the lamb and me.

Come away little lamb come away to the water

He led me here, to this cute little clearing that has a cave and a river, but most importantly, nowhere to go.

To the arms that are waiting only for you

I think back to the way his arms would encircle me, and I used to think they were protecting me from anything that would see me harm. Maybe they were restraining me instead. Keeping me from fighting when I wanted to lash out with my fists against all the cruel injustices of the world.

Come away little lamb come away to the slaughter

I'm standing up against the river, the rushing waters pounding incessantly into the heels of my feet. And it's still not far enough away from the smell. The smell of death that reeks from the cave entrance,

To the one appointed to see this through

Tom. The one meant to drag me in, mesmerize me, until it was too late for me to fight back.

We are coming for you

Too late. The warning came too late.

I keep my eyes locked with his, still recognizable, even in his werewolf form. Because that's what he is. A werewolf. And not just any werewolf, but one of the apex packs. The Demons Unleashed. They're known for their lack of mercy and cruelty. Along with their lack of restraint. But I never would've guessed my Tom was one of them. And that's the danger of them. The fact that they can blend in so effortlessly in our society, and leave no trace behind when they're gone.

I whip my head side to side, as I hear two low growls start up on either side of me. Out of the brush, two more werewolves stalk out, circling their prey.

They get closer and closer, while Tom just watches me, but the second one of them snaps at me, Tom growls a low warning and the wolf backs off.

It gives me hope. Either my Tom is still in there and trying to fight it, or he just wants to kill me himself. I don't know which one is true or even which one I want to be. I know he'll make it quick, but I still don't want to die.

Tom starts moving towards me, and I have my answer. So I give him no time to read what's in my eyes, before I leap backwards into the water, as if I'm diving off a block at a meet. I flip over in midair, and hit the freezing water, already starting to swim down current and to the other side of the bank on muscle memory alone.

The water is cold on impact, but I quickly go numb to it, just as I do at swim practice. Which is also probably the only reason I'm still alive at this point. And I don't know why Tom would take me to a place that has water. He knows I swim, but maybe that was his point. To give me a viable way to escape without looking like he was.

As I sprint for my life through the water, which is surprisingly deep, I can hear the fierce howls as the wolves race alongside me on the riverbank. I know it's only a matter of time before one of them jumps in and attempts to snatch me. So I keep swimming on my diagonal as fast as I can, when I feel the currents change. They're faster and wilder here. And that's never a good sign. I swim even faster, and it's not long before I hear a splash and a yelp. I don't dare look behind me to confirm what I already know. A wolf has finally jumped in.

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