I Would've Loved You Anyways

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“Why won’t you let me go? I can’t stay here with you anymore, Tom. Please just forget about me and life will go back to normal. It’ll be better for both of us.” I sniffle, trying to fight back tears, but it’s so hard.

Tom doesn’t bother trying to hide his tears. They stream openly down his face as he starts begging, “Y/N, please. Don’t do this. I’m begging you. This can work. I don’t care what happens, I just want you. Jobs come and go but Y/N/N, you’re the one thing I’m sure of. Please... stay with me.”

I shake my head, feeling my heart shatter into a thousand pieces. 

“I’m sorry, Tom. Really, I am. But I refuse to drag you down when I know you can do so much better.” 

I turn around and start to leave and I can hear him crying behind me, which makes this so much worse. He tries to follow me but I rush out of his apartment and close the door, before continuing down the hallway to the stairs as fast as I can, desperation fueling me as I race down the three flights of stairs and burst out onto the busy city street below. 


It’s been three days since Tom and I broke up and life’s a mess. He’s doing everything in his power to try and win me back, but all it does is make me more miserable. I just want him to succeed and get the lead role in this incredible movie and I know he won’t if he’s with me. The producers are insisting that he breaks up with me and dates the other female lead for publicity purposes. 

That’s not even what I’m upset about. I’m upset at the names and gestures some of the producers’ assistants used when they knew Tom wasn’t around and wouldn’t hear or see them. 

I tried to stick up for myself, but it was just so depressing. Then his fans found out and he tried to hide it from me, but I saw. They were hateful of our relationship too.

It just seemed like everyone and everything wanted us to break up. 

And even though I knew it would break my heart, I knew I had to be the one to do it. 

Tom is so stubborn sometimes, and I know he would’ve walked away from the movie if he knew I had been treated like that. And I couldn’t let him do that. It’s literally his dream movie. What kind of a girlfriend would I be to let him give this up just for me? A horrible one, that’s for sure. So I broke up with him. 

And now, here I am. 

Alone and heartbroken. 

It’s not too bad though. I saw he officially got the part in the movie, so at least there’s that. 

I’m happy for him and it makes the pain a little easier to handle. But it’s still so, so overwhelming. 

I never thought I would fall for Tom. But oh my goodness, did I fall hard. And this break up of ours has helped me realize that I love him. I. Love. Him. 

I love him. 

Why did it take me so long to realize that?

And why did I only figure it out when it’s too late for us?

As the realization sinks in, all of my energy drains in an instant, and the only thing that sounds appealing is going and collapsing on my bed, with a tub of ice cream and Netflix on in the background as I cry over my freshly broken heart.

As I’m laying there, tears streaming down my face and half-sobbing, I can’t help but ask myself: Was it worth it? Even though I love him, was it worth it only to have my heart and soul crushed like this in the end?


It was late September when I met him for the first time. It was complete luck too. I just happened to be walking into Starbucks when he was walking out, and we bumped into each other. Of course, it was practically cliche. I pushed open the door as I was facing my best friend Marley and... I knocked the drinks right out of his hands. 

I apologized profusely, and I could feel my cheeks practically combust at what had happened. But he was polite and a gentleman about it all and one thing led to another and we exchanged phone numbers, promising to text each other soon about setting up a date. 

That was the beginning.

We grew super close and as we dated, things were looking brighter than ever. We kept it a secret from the public, letting only our most trusted friends and family in on it. Until that was ruined too, but that’s not the point. 

The point is, we were happy.

After we’d been dating for six months, he asked me to move in with him, and I said yes. I was ecstatic. He insisted I keep my apartment though, just in case things went south or even just to have some space of my own. He wouldn’t let me pay for it either, saying it was one of the few ways he could treat me, since I usually hated whenever he tried to buy me something expensive.

That’s where I am now. And I can’t help but see the irony now. What they say is true: Hindsight is always twenty-twenty. Apparently, Tricia Yearwood was right this time too. 

I would’ve loved you anyways

I’d do it all the same

Not a second I would change

Not a touch that I would trade

Had I known my heart would break

I would’ve loved you anyways


I understand her song so much better now. Because reflecting over a few of the key moments in mine and Tom’s relationship, I can honestly say the same. It was worth it in the end. He was worth it. And I truly wouldn’t change a single moment of our relationship. All the ups and downs have shaped our relationship into what it was and I think it’s all been essential in discovering my love for him. 

Maybe someday after this movie is done, we can get back together. Maybe not. But for the first time since this whole mess has started, I have faith. Faith that if we’re meant to be together, if our love is strong enough, then we’ll always find our way back to each other. 

Hopefully, this will all be a story to laugh at one day, as Tom and I tell it together and thank our lucky stars that we made it through. But even if that doesn’t happen, we’ll be fine. I know it now. 

But I have a feeling that we’ll end up getting back together someday. It might not be easy or quick, but I think we will. Especially since we’re both extremely stubborn and loyal. Like right now, for example. He’s back at it again, knocking on my door, trying to coax me to talk to him. Tom won’t give up easily, that much is for sure. And thank God for that. I won’t give up on him either. If the producers and fans think they can bully me into giving up, then they have something else coming to them.

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