Chapter 2

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Mera had all her clothes in a duffle bag and lugged it around with her. She refused to go back to the house. Not when she had a feeling her brother was close.

With her school bag full and her duffe bag full she took a few breaks. She looked around and huffed. About ready to scream when she heard something. Rushing over she hoped it was who she was looking for.

Just as she was nearing the noise it started to grow silent, she frowned when she saw a destroyed area but no one was around.

"Are you kidding me? Are you bloody kidding me?!" She frowned, dropping her bags.


Mera sighed falling to her knees. Now feeling depressed and defeated, she was about to give up. Thinking about what to do, she picked up her bags and started to head back to town.

(Next day)

Mera laid on the lawn in front of the house. Staring up at the sky. She heard the green hummer show up, tilting her head she watched it sit there.

"I'm coming! MERA!" Miko cries with joy.

"....." Mera looked at the girl.

"Hey what's wrong?" Miko asked.

"I didn't find them....I didn't find him" Mera frowned, about to cry.

"Hey don't cry, it's ok...I can help I know I can. Who are you looking for?" Miko asked.

"He won't be easy to find, and he's tricky to keep track of sometimes" she said.

"....what's his name?" Miko asked.

"Sta....uh...never mind, I'm not going to school. I just wanna lay here and let the sun cook me" Mera sighed.

"....ok...but please go inside, you can lay in my room and watch my movies if you want" Miko said.

"Thanks Miko" Mera smiled getting up.

Miko nodded and jumped into her guardian, they pulled away from the house quickly to make it to school. Miko started to think aloud with what letters Mera spoke as a name.

"Sta? What names have those letters, Stan? Stanley? Hard to find, hard to keep track of....I THINK I KNOW WHO SHE IS LOOKING FOR!" Miko shouted.

"Who?!" Bulkhead asked.

"You'll see, I'll tell you at base" Miko beamed.

(Time skip)

Miko asked Optimus to have the team gather around, as they stood around the loft Miko grinned and explained about a girl who she had staying at her host families house. And how she was looking for someone.

"What's her name?" Ratchet asked.

"Mera Namial" Miko said.

" records seem to be in the system of her" Ratchet said.

"She said she never goes to the hospital or has been in trouble with the law" Miko said.

"....does anyone have any files on this girl?" Ratchet asked.

"Only the school" Miko said.

"Now I have a question about the cons" she said.

"What?!" Ratchet gasped.

"Why them?" Bulkhead asked.

"Tell me does or did any of them have family like a sibling or child?" Miko asked.

".....let me see...Starscream did, he had a sister" Ratchet said.

"A sister?" Everyone asked.

"Yes, by the looks of it, she was a beautiful seeker, a light pearl colouring with tints of light blue along her wings" Ratchet said.

:what happened to her?: bee asked.

"....from what I can get, she got Ill. Reports say nothing could be done so she died rather quickly" Ratchet said reading old reports from medics that logged it into the medical system.

"So scream had a sister? And she died, so what?" Arcee frowned.

"Could it be possible that Mera could be that sister?" Miko asked.

"Impossible! Mera is a human, Solarstar was a Cybertronian" Ratchet said then got thinking.

"What if Primus gave her a chance? Brought her spirit here?" Optimus asked.

"Miko I want to speak to this girl" Ratchet said.

"No problem, I think she knew about you guys when she saw them." Miko pointed to the three guardians.

Arcee frowned but remained quiet. Optimus was thinking what they would do if Mera was indeed Solarstar reborn. He didn't want to let her go to the cons but in a way he didn't want to keep her from her family.

Miko saw a dot flashing on the screen, Ratchet started to check it over and said it was a life signal, coming from Mikos home.

"Mera!" Miko cried.

"Autobots roll out!" Optimus said, leading his whole team down the tunnel.


Mera sat inside mikos room, sleeping while a movie was still playing. Unaware that a bunch of cars pulled up to the house and people got out.

They ran to the door, Miko opened it and rushed upstairs. The others following her, only to stop as Miko stood in her doorway to her room.

"Thank god she's still here...Mera? Hey Mera" Miko called putting shaking the girl.

"NO!....Miko?...who are they?" Mera looked at the people.

"Friends, it's ok...they can help find who your looking for, just tell us his name" Miko said.

"....I called him star as a nickname because we loved looking at the stars" Mera sighed.

"Star?....I KNEW IT! Your Solarstar reborn aren't you!?" Miko asked.

"How did you find out about that?!" Mera asked shocked.

"Wait your Solarstar?! Starscreams sister?!" Bulkhead asked.

" THE AUTOBOTS!? MIKO HOW COULD YOU BRING THEM HERE?! Oh I have to go, I....I have...where?..anywhere!" Mera cried grabbing her two bags and climbed out the window.

"Mera Wait! They want to help!" Miko called out.

"NO! THEY WILL JUST THROW ME BEHIND BARS! USE ME TO GET TO THE DECEPTICONS, I can't let them do that" Mera cried as she ran down the street, past their alt modes.

She looked back to see them start to follow her, she picked up her pace and ran faster. Hoping to lose them. In her mind she was panicking, she was hoping to never run into the autobots.

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