Chapter 4

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Mera sighed as she sat beside Megatron on his throne. A week had passed and Starscream still didn't believe or trust her. She knew to give him time it had been a really really long time they were apart. But she hoped he wouldn't ignore her forever.

She watched as Starscream came into the command deck for his shift, powering up his monitor. He glanced through the screen to see Mera watching him with sad yet hopeful eyes. Those big brown eyes that threaten to spill tears at any time.

He groaned as he tried to ignore that face and erase it from his mind. He gave a quick glance again and still that same look on her face.

"Starscream!" Megatron said loudly.

"Yes lord Megatron?" Starscream said.

"I think Mera could use a change of scenery, take her for a flight" Megatron said smirking.

"I'm sorry what?, you want me to take some human for a flight?" Starscream asked.

"Not just a human, our beloved Solarstar" Megatron frowned.

"....she isn't Solarstar......Primus wouldn't curse such a blessed spark by being stuck in a weak body" Starscream said.

"Get over yourself, and accept the fact that she was reborn as a techno organic" Megatron sighed.

Starscream sighed as he walked over, picking Mera up. He turned to leave the bridge and walked down the halls. Mera being held in a tight grip stared at Starscream.

"Where are we flying to?" Mera asked.

"I don't care" Starscream grumped.


Miko was sitting on the couch playing on her phone. She was wondering how Mera was doing, was she happy?, was she being taken care of? She didn't know.

Jack glanced at her and sighed. He looked at Raf and the small looked up from his computer. Raf looked towards Miko and saw Miko messing with her phone.

Bulkhead was watching Miko closely, and he couldn't help but take note how quiet she was. He was about to speak to her when Ratchet called everyone in.

"How about we go out somewhere for some fun?" Bulkhead asked.

"Like what?" Miko asked.

"Whatever you three want" Arcee smiled.


Mera was sitting in the lake, slowly waving her hands through the water. Starscream sat on a large Boulder, watching her. He started to slowly see some resemblance to Solarstar.

Mera sighed as she moved to a deeper part of the lake and dived under. Starscream was looking for her but she didn't come back up, a snap got his attention.

"Starscream!" A femme shouted.

"Autobots.....what brings you here" he asked standing up, his arms opening to indicate the large area.

"Could ask you the same thing" Bulkhead said, his servos already fisted.

"I'm just out and about...minding my own business, is that so wrong?" He asked.

"What are you really up to?" Arcee asked.

"Gah! That was a nice swi- oh come on" Mera spotted the autobots.

"It's the techno" Bulkhead said.

"Hey I have a name you blockhead!" Mera snapped.

Starscream picked Mera up out of the water and was about to leave when a blaster shot hit his lower back. He cried out in pain and fell to his knees.

"STARSCREAM!" Mera cried.

"Lucky shot femme....also a big mistake" the seeker hissed as he aimed a missal and fired at the others.

"LOOK OUT!" Bulkhead said as they all dodged the missal.

Starscream took that time to transform and quickly fly off. Arcee stared after him frowning, Miko was happy to see Mera was doing ok. But she still missed the girl.

(Next day)

Knockout skidded to a stop in front of the school. His signal was covered so no one could tell who he was. He said he would stay at the school with Mera for the first little while so she would feel more relaxed. Knockout saw the others and had to make sure not to let out a single sound.

Jack saw the red car and swore it was Knockout. But maybe it wasn't, the car didn't make to move or speak so maybe it was a lookalike.

They all saw Mera get out of the drivers side of the car. And opened the back door to grab her bag. She saw them staring at her and she frowned.

"What?" She asked.

"When did you get such an awesome car?" Miko asked.

"....Megatron got it for me, I just had Knockout paint it for me, I told him to make it look like him cause he has a nice colour scheme" Mera lord.

"Megatron did that?" Raf asked.

"He does favour me, I was like his daughter once upon a time" Mera frowned moving passed them.

"I can't believe Megatron got her a car" Jack blinked.

"Look at it! It looks just like Knockout! Red finish, the side design and yellow wheel rims" Miko said.

"Yeah yeah, leave the car and let's go....we shouldn't mess with other peoples cars" Jack said pulling the hyper girl along.

Mera watched them pass her in the hall. She sighed as she knew Knockout would get caught sooner or later, but she hoped it wouldn't be to soon.

'Why am I still even here? I seriously don't need to be here' Mera said in her head.

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