Chapter 11 Screw Fate I have an eternity i'll get to it eventually

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Bella smiled as she made her way to her shower in the basement. Today had been a good day, she got some stuff done,spent time with Charlie, her investments are already piling money into her account.

The best part of today was when that huge catfish got caught on my line! Charlie had been so proud, though I found that I kept hearing faint whispers in the wind from the direction of the forest. Strange but I minded my own business and spent the night bonding with Charlie.

The fish was good, I gotta get a book on fish recipes they've been piling up for God knows how long.

  I settle down into bed after getting dressed in a purple and pink cheshire cat onesie. I was feeling rather childish and I looked down right adorable if I do say so myself.

It's a bit warmer then what I was wearing last night.which is a good thing, last night was freezing and I'm less exposed this way.

I begin humming as I put on the cartoon version of alice in wonderland. Tonight I'm having a disney movies marathon and I'm sleeping till noon tomorrow. I dozed to the melody the cheshire cat sang after meeting alice.

The poem of the Jaborwacky to be exactly. One of my favorites, I hummed along as I drifted to sleep.

   Twas brillag,and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe: all mimsy were the borogroves, and the mome raths outgrabe...

  I wake slightly to the feeling of warm hands pulling a blanket over me. I lay still, it's charlie he stares at me a moment and gives a soft chuckle. then I hear the tv click off cutting off snowwhite from singing about her prince and I almost pout.

I wait until charlie leaves before glancing at the clock 2 am. So much for waking up late I mutter to myself glumly. I give a tired groan and check my DDT watch for messages.

   I see a long notification of messages and a message that's  pending for about 1 month strange. I think to myself curious,wonder why it's so long.

I ponder weather to view them but then decide as I usually do when it comes to things that might irritate me, sleep first problems later. Future me can deal with whatever those strange messages are.

So I toss myself into bed and curl up. Smiling mischievously as I heard the electric traps begin buzzing and the sound of quiet cursing.

The pervert never learns I mutter to myself as suddenly all is quiet. Pinky. I mumble softly hearing a quiet pop! Indicating one of my favorite elves has entered my room I continue.

Get a few elves and throw the trash out hun. Mama needs her beauty sleep.

Yes misses she whispers with what I can only imagine is a bright smile and a crazed look in her eyes.

I shiver suddenly feeling like I've unleashed a monster, I glance at her and some of the stronger looking elves from the group she chose.

I contemplate weather or not I care and then recall the other night that peaping tom dared to invade my privacy and got a view of me in my rather risque attire. So I plop back  down into bed, and wave my hand. That will be all children. Oh, And pinky?

Yes misses?

if there's more than one of those leaches outside our home, your to get rid of them whatever means necessary so long as it is not lethal. I can feel her pouting alongside the others and smirk. Unless I say otherwise that is. I can here them whispering excitedly as each elf pops away with a yes misses core misses.

A moment later I hear quiet shrieks of fear and a woosh! of wind as my elves snicker and chase whomever is out there, knowing without out a doubt that the cameras will only show me if there is a supernatural occurrence, and all dad will see is a few strange animals being playful and ruff housing.

I sigh happily and dream happy dreams of smiling cats and hatters that sing.

all mimsy were the borogroves, and the mome raths outgrabe...
Hey so... I know it's been awhile but here's the next chapter. You know after a few years. Sorry for leaving everyone on red for so long. Enjoy the story and hopefully I can post again soon.

I'm about to get my own apartment soon and I'm switching jobs soon so I don't know how much writing I can get in but I'm not going to abandon this story at least.

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