Chapter 3 New body, New name, New me

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I woke up disoriented and confused as fuck. Looking out the window it looks like wherever I am it's foggy and dark, but Bright enough to indicate the sun is rising.

Funny enough, I look around and notice the bedroom I'm in looks just like Bella swan's bedroom. I laugh for a moment thinking that's crazy they wouldn't right? I mean these kinds of things only happen in cliche fanfics

( looks pointedly at the author who blushes and screams stop breaking the 4th wall damnit! Waving her hands crazily. This isn't that kind of a story! The character then pointedly looks away as Deadpool comes into view giggling mischievously mumbling not yet it isn't while sneaking up on the author. Knowing this she pulls a chimichanga outa of nowhere and waves it in his face casually. want the chimichanga? go get it boy and tosses it at a random person's head who just so happens to looks like mike newton. Deadpool chases after it guns a blazing crash! Ahh! boom! Pop! pop! pop!... Fuck my life 😭 the author exclaims. Need help? Time asks as he walks in cautiously, typing away on his phone. Blushing the author looks away and mumbles yes not able to look this hot specimen in the eye without fainting. Time rewinds everything to before the author poked her nosy ass head into the story and runs for his immortal life.)

Huh, I say holding my head I just had the strangest dream. For a moment she sits there dazed, I feel like I'm missing something I mumble to myself trying to remember, but let it go.

I have more important things to worry about like where the fuck am I? I stand up to go to the bathroom and almost scream.

No! No no no no! Damnit why! Out of all the people I could've been why did it have to be her!?! I whine internally. Not trying to wake up charlie.

I thought when she sent me away I would still be at least similar to how I looked. Instead, I'm Bella freaking swan she nearly dies or is in danger of dying throughout almost the entire freaking story!

What the fuck fate?!? I whisper screech as I view my new body.
A screen popped up in front of me. I moved away from the mirror in shock but the screen followed.

Glowing yellow words spelled out MENU and INTRO.

The menu being faded and in tiny words below it said not available until the intro has been played. The screen is interactive speak, think, or touch your option to proceed.

Well, might as well enjoy this. I mutter grumpily as I press the intro. A voice sounding like Alexa spoke.

Hello Core, This is the DDT system before you ask any questions I should tell you all questions may be answered after the introduction has come to a completion.

Core who had opened her mouth and was about to blast the system with an excess amount of questions sheepishly closed her mouth. She waited impatiently for her turn to speak. Somehow knowing that it would be a waste of time to try and convince this system to answer her.

Thank you for your cooperation Core! 😁 you may call me Destiny! First things first Yes you are Bella Swan in this universe. The former soul did not wish to live this life upon hearing what her fate would have been and has since moved onto a different body in another universe to live a mortal life and eventually see her family in the afterlife.

That makes no sense though I thought to myself didn't Bella swan, like... Really want to live forever?

Yes, Core she did, in the original universe that is. This is a different universe not the original. The same souls each unique in their own way but ultimately still the same reside in other universes. I would tell you more but you do not have the clearance to know more.😇

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