Chapter 25 - Inside the Navigator's camp [1]

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What the hell am I watching?

The guy in front of Kauri is now choking on his own blood and asking for help. But not a single person showed sympathy for him.

"Stupid old man." Kauri mumbles as she puts her tomohawk axe back on its holder.

What just happened?

She looked at me and brushed her hands in the air. "Sorry about that."

"Why... did you kill him?"

"Oh, he groped me. Just like I told you, seventy percent of the men here are thirsty for us women," she said before kicking the guy's corpse once again.

Still, that's unnecessary...

"You should've chopped his arms!" a person from the crowd shouted.

"Oh yeah, I should've done that. My bad!" Kauri laughed.

I looked at Belle, and she was just staring at the man's dead body with a blank expression.

"Y-you okay?" I asked.

She looked at me and nodded.

Who am I kidding? She's seen things worse than this.

"Ah, great, now I've got more blood on my clothes. Come on, let's go take a shower, you two."

I took a last glance at the bloodied body before following Kauri. Some kicked the guy's corpse, while others spit on it.

What's wrong with these people?

- - -

"The fuck happened to you?" a guy holding a guitar asked when we reached a large military tent.

"Killed a weird guy at the entrance," Kauri replied.

"Damn woman, that's the third one this week. Why not just slap their faces or stab their hands? Killing is a bit too much."

Is stabbing people around here normal?

"Save me the lecture, Aaron. Just be thankful that I removed another creepy old dude around here."

"Fine, have it your way. Who's that lady behind you?" he asked.

I stepped up and nodded my head.

"Cyra, meet Aaron, a buddy of mine." Kauri introduced.

Brown skin, an attractive beard, and a dark messy hair. He looks like my Filipino friend back in college.

Aaron offered a handshake, but I refused.

"I'm afraid I'm too unpleasant for that." I said, showing him my dirty hands.

"What? Come on man, the world is different now. A handshake with those hands doesn't bother me," he said, which made me shrug and accept it.

"Hi Aaron!" Belle smiled.

"Oh, look who's here? I'm glad they brought you back safe and sound," he smiled.

Belle then stared at the ground and giggled.

"You two, come here," Kauri invited as she entered the tent.

The inside is spacious. Portable tables and chairs can be seen in the middle. There are also sleeping bags folded on the sides.

"Aaron, do we have an extra bar of soap?" Kauri asked.

"Check the duffle bags."

"This is larger than the tent Dean and I are currently living in." Belle mumbled.

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