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You woke up in your room holding your head as it felt really heavy. It took a few minutes to process what all had happened and for your eyes to adjust the light. But as soon as it happened, you noticed that you weren't alone. Someone was sleeping on the same bed as yours. Jungkook.

"You are awake ?"


"Hmm.. You fell unconscious last night. So I stayed here just in case you needed something." he reasoned. You nodded as it was all very sensible. But his next action caught you off guard. Did he just  peck me on the cheek ?

Your eyes were as wide as saucers and you held your cheek as a reflex and your face was all close to bright crimson red. 

"Flustered ?"

"H-Huh ?" you said as he broke your trance.

"Uh...Uh....Uh...." God damn it !!

"Don't worry it'll be all a regular thing now." he chuckled as he tried getting out of the bed. You quickly rush to his side and help him with the wheel chair. Why the fuck do I have to handle this wheel chair ? I pity Y/N who has to handle me like this all the time.

"You need not pity me for this. I do this because I really want to help you. It all comes from my heart and I do not have to remind myself to do it every time."

"H-how did y-"

"Just the way you found out." You said as you winked at him as he giggled at you.

(Time skip - Evening)

You were again at the hospital. Yes, the one where Shin Mee-Rae worked. Honestly, you were scared to see her again. Jungkook insisted you should stay home, but you denied. Jungkook wanted you to stay home, not only because of Mee-Rae's behavior but the today's treatment was going to be painful and he didn't want to you get worried. 

As both you were in his room, you felt uncomfortable by the atmosphere, still confused what was happening. The door opened to show up Shin Mee-Rae who came inside to check his leg which was covered up in bandages and a few stitches.

"Have you been taking all the medicines on time ?"


"Ok. I'll have to remove your stiches first, insert a few injections and stich it up back again. Fine ?"


You were not even trying to say something as you felt sharp glares from the doctor's side. She removed the bandages to reveal the stiches and to be honest it wasn't a sight to be seen. She removed the first stitch and BOOM ! It started to bleed heavily and Jungkook clutched your hand tightly and closed his eyes tightly.

"It's an infection. The treatment is really effective, but the side effect is really ... "

"It's p-paining a l-lot." he said as he opened his eyes and for the first you had seen tears in his eyes and beads of sweat on his forehead. It definitely was painful.

"Don't it'll be fine." you said as you caressed his hair and leaned your forehead against his. He, to be honest, was already melting at your touch, but the pain distracted him and he held your hand even harder. But you cared, not about how the bones of your hand was being crushed under his grip, but him. But, someone interrupted the moment. "It's n-not h-helping."

"Why don't you first move out, Ms. Y/N ?"

You did not know why but you nodded and moved out thinking that you were a disturbance.

"T-Thank y-you." said Jungkook whose pain felt increasing exponentially as soon as you left, but he agreed sending you out because he did not want you to see his vulnerable side.

A little time later, Shin Mee-Rae came out to see you worried and your eyes were already glossy. 

"Do you think that you are worth being his wife ? All you can do is cry. "

"W-Where is h-he ?"


Suddenly, Taehyung walked into the room with a box in his hand. And you couldn't believe how Mee-Rae expression changed like - I don't even know how was it even possible going from a smirk to a worried expression. She went inside leaving you outside, all alone.

"Here." Taehyung handed over the box to Jungkook.

As Jungkook opened the box, his eyes shined at the sight in front of him. A necklace. A diamond one. (Flexing Rich.)

"Mee-Rae..." said Jungkook.

"Yes ..?"

"This is for you."

"M-Me ?"


"Thank you." she said as she tried to take it from his hands.

"I would prefer putting it on you." 



"DR. SHIN ?!" Jungkook and Taehyung raised their voices together, making her flinch and breaking her trance. (Yeah just a dream.)


"Could you please call Y/N inside."

"Uh.. Uh.. S-Sure."

As Y/N walked inside, her face lit up and internally frowned because Mee-Rae lied to her. Well, we should say that you did not even expect more. 

"Come, Sit here Y/N."

"How are you now ? Does it hurt anywhere ?"

"No. But here this for you. Thank you. You gave me a reason to start the treatment again." He said as handed you the box. He expected you to get too much excited and hug him saying thank you multiple times. So did Taehyung and Mee-Rae. But they were wrong. You instead showed a slight happiness on your face and said something which made Jungkook way more happier than he expected. 

"Thank you for this, but all I need is you having a genuine smile on your face." you said keeping a hand on his. And as soon you could process, Jungkook had pulled you by your waist to give you a peck on your cheek. But someone else wanted to replace your position.

"I am sorry Y/N. I don't intend to ruin your married life. But all I need is 


And I'll remove every single obstacle in my way.

Even you, by hook or crook." - Shin Mee-Rae. 

That's it for this chapter. Hope you like it. 

Apologies for short and late update. Wattpad seemed to be upset. My drafts were either unsaved, edited or worse, deleted. Henceforth. ^ 😔

Anyways, next update really soon. 

What is Mee-Rae's next move ? What is her's and Jungkook's past ? Do you think she is forced to do this or wants him by will ? Reminiscing Past real soon. Until then vote, comment and Enjoy reading.

Bye ~👋 

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