-Chapter 5-

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We'd been walking for a while when I dragged her to a certain shop that I always visited when I got out of the house. She looked at me confused, like she didn't know what was happening.

"Where did you drag me to..?"

"It's a boba shop! Trust me it's really good"

I chirped out with a smile. She just grew even more confused.


I let out a dramatically loud gasp and grabbed her hand again. I like the way it felt in mine. Go away lesbian thoughts no one likes you ugh. Anyways, I dragged her inside and sat her down at an empty table. I started rambling on about how she should know what boba is and how it was literally the best thing on earth. She didn't seem to be paying attention though, just staring at her reflection in the table. A waiter came up to us and I instantly remembered him as my usual waiter. I ordered a strawberry boba for us both and he walked off. That's when I reached down and tapped the table, I just want to talk to her more.

"I ordered you a strawberry, you seem like that kinda person. I hope that's okay"

"...that's fine."

She replied shortly, looking down at the table. I lean back in my seat and try to think of conversation starters.


I start.

"Where are you from?"

She looks at me dead ass and simply says.


I groaned and looked back at her.

"Be more specific."

"West part of town..."

She finally answered, meeting my eyes with a stand offish type stare.

"You mean the rich part of town? Isn't that there a whole ice cream factory over there?"

"Myth, you?"

She replies yet again, shortly.

"A few towns over, but we moved here for unknown reasons."

There was no way I could tell her the real reason we came all the way down here to this rich hell. No matter how attracted to her I was.

"My bets are on roach infestation, but they were pretty careless with their job...they kept you."

That shot me through the heart. Had I really been attracted to a person that just thought of me as a simple roach?

"I'm kidding, sorry."

She wouldn't meet my eyes again, that's okay because I couldn't meet hers either. The waiter came back and slid us our boba. I quickly took mine and gulped it down, releasing a happy sigh.

"Just as good as I remembered it"

I watched as she drank hers, her eyes widening as the sides of her lips curved up at the gulp of boba she just drank. I almost snorted, my smile coming back.

"You look a lil star struck there"

"This is...really good"

Word count: 467

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙖𝙣𝙪𝙟𝙖 𝙁𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮Where stories live. Discover now