Chapter 3- Post Murder Investigation

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Yes, she was just an average, everyday teen who was in love.
"Tara...she...was a great daughter." I stuttered as I spoke to the investigators.
"Hello, I'm Gretchin Vahlzër. I'm Cody's mom." She spoke in a dry sounding tone.
"He-llo, well I guess you know who I am. Nice to meet you, finally." I was out of it.
"You know Cody's father and I have been separated for many years just like you. I remarried a German marine biologist, he's quite the catch." She acted like my daughter had not just been murdered.
"Well that's very nice, I'm going to have to ask you to leave, goodbye!" I yelled.
"Okay! I get it! I will speak with you later, good day!" She said in a cheerful tone. I decided there was no need in worrying about somebody other than Tara.
"Ma'am? Can we focus please?" The investigator said in and aggravated tone.
"Oh, why yes we can. Cody, why don't you tell these men what exactly happened," I spoke in a shaky voice.
"Yes, well she was in my bedroom waiting for me to come home from school, I was late. But when I got there she rushed out the door. She said it was an emergency. So I followed her home to make sure she got there okay, but she pulled to the side. She stepped of her car...and...umm...she slit her neck." Cody's voice cracked until tears flowed freely from his young, terrified face. The detective stood slowly and spoke mildly, "Well it seems we have a suicide, but no body? This is something else, You both need to go home. I'm sorry for your loss. Goodnight." And just like that, he followed us out the door and locked it behind us.

Nobody understands.

Tara is dead, no police help at all.

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