Chapter 1

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Wednesday, January 18, 1984

"Ugh, look at Lorelai. What does Christopher see in her?" Mitzi asked, as Lorelai moved toward the west doors of the school that led to the buses and student parking lot.

Lorelai rolled her eyes without slowing her gait, ignoring the girl who clearly had eyes for the boy who had eyes for Lorelai.

What does Christopher see in me?

Lorelai stopped for a moment before deciding not to worry about that right then. Because what did it matter when, whatever it is, he saw it?

"Hey Lor, slow down!" Christopher's voice echoed down the school's hall.

Lorelai moved to the side of the hall, allowing her boyfriend to catch up. Once he reached her, he offered her a ride home. As the two fell into rhythm, Christopher casually reached for Lorelai's hand and wrapped his fingers around it. Ever the gentleman, he held the door for her and protectively held her back as a fellow student whizzed by in his new sports car.

Once beside Christopher's BMW, he opened the door to allow Lorelai to climb into the passenger seat. She watched as he crossed around the front and moved behind the steering wheel. "Let's get you home."

Lorelai looked out the window, watching the scenery change as the car forged on. Most kids were probably happy to head home after a long day at school. But she wasn't.

Ever since she could remember, Lorelai felt as if her parents tried to control her every move. It wasn't just typical rules and wanting to make sure she followed them. It went beyond that. Richard and Emily had to dictate her life. They made decisions about what clubs or groups she would be in. They didn't allow her to have her own car because, according to them, who knew the type of trouble she'd get into.

The thing was, though, that by treating her as if she had to be watched all day, every day, it made Lorelai want to rebel every chance she could.

The short ride home's over, Lorelai observed as Christopher turned onto the Gilmore's street. A moment later, he pulled into their driveway and put the car in park. Turning to face Lorelai, he leaned over with the intention to kiss her and leave.

"Want to come in and study?"

"Sure." With no hesitation, he turned off the car and took the keys from the ignition.

The teenagers approached the house, pausing only while Lorelai dug out her keys to unlock the front door. Christopher reached toward Lorelai, tickling her sides as she tried to slide the key into the lock.

"Christopher, stop. I'm trying to unlock the door." Both fell into the house. "Graceful and lovely they enter."

"Is she home?"

"I don't know. Mom, are you home?" Lorelai called out.

"Mom, are you home?" Christopher mocked.

"Shhh, she'll hear you."

"So? She likes me."

"Oh, that's right." Lorelai wove her way through the foyer and into the living room. "Mom, it's me, Lorelai. I'm home." She paused. "I'm home and I'm taking my sweater off. I'm taking my sweater off and I'm dropping it on the floor. Dropping it on the floor and walking away from it. Walking away from it and leaving it on the floor. And in two years, I'm gonna register Democrat." Lorelai turned to face Christopher. "Looks like no Emily."

"Where's Sophia?"



"She touched the Baccarat unicorn."

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