Chapter 3

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Friday, March 16, 1984

Opening her eyes, Lorelai groaned. She was queasy. The thought of food turned her stomach and she was still tired.

Climbing from her bed, she managed to make it downstairs and found her mother sitting at the dining room table. She looked up when Lorelai entered the room.

"What's wrong, Lorelai? You don't look so good."

"That's putting a good spin on it, Mom. I feel sick."

"Rosealine, please come feel my daughter's head. Does she feel like she has a fever?"

Heaven forbid you check yourself, Lorelai thought. She held up her hand. "No, that isn't necessary."

The maid, however, did as she was told and placed her hand on Lorelai's forehead, shaking her head as she answered. "No, Mrs. Gilmore, Miss Gilmore doesn't have a fever."

"What's wrong, Lorelai?"

"I have a terrible stomachache."

Emily looked her daughter up and down. "Do you want to try to eat something?"

Lorelai quickly shook her head. "I don't think that would end well."

Emily thought for a moment. "Rosealine, will you keep an eye on Lorelai today? She probably shouldn't go to school if she is coming down with a bug."

"Where will you be, Mom?"

"I'll be home. Why?"

"I just wondered since you asked Rosealine to keep an eye on me."

The look on Emily's face was priceless, clearly demonstrating that she couldn't be bothered to care for her own ill child. "Yes, well, I'll be busy working on things around the house. If I have a spare moment, I'll come up and see how you're feeling."

Gee, thanks Mom. Without a word, Lorelai turned and made her way back to bed.


Saturday, March 17, 1984

The next morning, Lorelai felt better after most of the previous day in bed. She moseyed downstairs and found Rosealine in the kitchen, preparing her parents' breakfasts. "Would you like something light to eat, Miss Gilmore?"

Lorelai nodded. "Very light, please. An apple sounds good."

The maid grabbed an apple and handed it to her. "If you find yourself feeling hungrier as you eat that, maybe you'll be able to tackle something more substantial."

Emily entered the room, stopping as her eyes fell on her daughter. "Lorelai, you're up. How are you feeling?"

"Better. I'm ready to try to eat something."

Emily saw the fruit in her hand. "An apple? Really?"

Shrugging, Lorelai took a bite.

"Hmmm, that's an unorthodox choice for you."

"An apple sounded good today. And since I wasn't feeling well yesterday, I thought I'd stick with something small."

Emily eyed Lorelai but said nothing else.

"Any plans today, Mom?"

The elder Gilmore poured herself a cup of coffee and took a sip before answering. "Yes, I have a tea with the Litchfield D.A.R. chapter later this morning and a lecture on early English antiques after."

"So, you're going to be gone pretty much all day?"

"I'll be home by early evening. Is that a problem?"

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