Chapter 19

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I finally pulled up to a big brick house. I walked up to the front door. I went to knock, but got scared. I don't know this lady.

"ARIANA STOP!" I heard so done scream from behind me right before I was about to knock.

It was Brooklyn. How did he know where I was?

"I read your note..." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Why? How?" I said getting mad. I didn't give him permission.

"Because... Lea is in Florida for Spring Break." He said looking at me.


"Don't get mad, Ariana. Please! I got scared."

"Brooklyn you have to go back, dinner for you starts in like 20 minutes!" I said, I really wanted him to leave.

"I won't leave you!" He said grabbing my hand.

"I'll be fine, you just have to trust me!" I said, and finally he started to walk away.

He must have trusted me... Because he drove away. I finally walked back up to the doors.

I knocked 3 times. And finally the door was answered.

"Hi, I'm..."

"Ariana Cooper! I know I have wanted to see you again!" The medium height blonde lady said to me, hugging me. "Come in, please!" She said welcoming me in.

Her house was very big, and very neat. She looked a lot like my mother. Just younger.

"So, how old are you now?" She asked, handing me tea.

"I'm 15. I will be 16..."

"September 16th" she interrupted me.

"You know my birthday?" I asked.

"The first, and only time I saw you, until today." She said grabbing my hand... Just like Brooklyn. "So tell me about you!" She had a beautiful smile.

"Well I recently moved to London, I didn't know I had any family, but I have you... And my grandparents. And I'm in 10th grade. Oh and I have a baby sister who is 5 months old, named Aubry." I explained.

"Your mother wanted to name you that. What a beautiful name it is." She smiled at me.

"So, do you have any children?" I asked, I really didn't know what to say.

"Two kids! A son, and daughter!" She looked at her cup. "Ian and Zoe!" She looked at me.

"Oh cool!" I said. I didn't like the name Zoe because of Zoe Borger the rude girl at my school... Ugh.

"Well, my last name is really Borger, but my maiden name is Withers. I thought it would be weird just to say I was Veronica Borger!" She giggled.

My heart stopped. "So... So... Zoe Borger is your daughter?" I said starting to shake.

"Yes, do you want to meet her?" She said standing up about to call her name.

"No I have to um go." I say rushing out of the door.

I got into my car and quickly backed up and pulled out of the driveway. Oh my god... Zoe Borger is my... Cousin. How? Why?

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