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"Man the rain got hard fast!" Goggles frowned at the sky, it was grey as it could get. Rain pouring from the battle lobby's roof, no one could survive in that for long you would get soaked in a matter of seconds. It was sunny before he went into random battles."My jacket won't protect me for long in this." He looked around to see if there was any path to the train under a cover, he knew he would melt in a matter of minutes if he stood outside without a hood, and then he remembered the trek to his apartment from the station. "I'm definitely going to melt..."

"Do you not have an umbrella Goggles?" Goggles turned to see his friend Rider, who apparently had just come out of battles too, questioning him.

"Yea, I don't think my coat will protect me long in this..."

"You could, we could share mine."

"You would do that?" Goggles was surprised Rider never offered help to him if it wasn't training, this would also mean they would be close together, Goggles immediately blushed at that thought and shook his head, "If you'll let me walk with you then of course!"

"Okay let's walk to the train station, before this gets anymore out of hand," Rider stated.

The two walked to the train station and got their fare cards out.

"You ride the 13-B too Rider?" Goggles was surprised given he'd never seen the squid on the train before.

"Yes, but only on the way back because then I don't have to change trains."

They got onto the train and Goggles spotted two open seats parallel to the window. Goggles pointed at the seats and they both sat down.

"Do you wanna look out the window, it's harder from your angle," Goggles always wanted to look out the window but he would gladly move if Rider wanted to look.

"No, you have your childish fun," Rider had smiled while looking at his phone. Goggles quickly lost interest since the landscape was grey and the rain kept blurring the view. He sat down properly and looked around the train car, there were only one or two other inklings that were unfamiliar to him. He continued to look around the car at the ads for squidphone plans being safe on the tracks and to not litter for a few minutes. Then he decided to do something.

"I'm just going to rest my head here," he rested his head on Rider's shoulder and expected to be pushed off instantly, but didn't he was simply met with a mmk from Rider and closed his eyes and somehow fell asleep.

"Goggles, Goggles wake up," Goggles was being shaken awake by Rider.

"Phibe more minphits," He was drowsy from his short nap and kinda half asleep still.

"Goggles you definitely missed your stop, we're at the end of the line," as Rider said that Goggles eyes popped open as realization struck. "You can stay the night with me but only because you're not getting home by yourself," Rider sighed maybe even with a slight blush.

They walked towards Rider's apartment building right before they went in Goggles asked,

"Can we watch something? Like a movie or some episodes of a tv show?" Goggles was afraid he would be forced to watch something scary but it would be with Rider so he could brave it.

"I mean we could but we need to have food first, it's like already 6pm and I haven't had food since lunch," Goggles nodded since he didn't have anything but his pickled plums since breakfast and could definitely go for some food.

"What do you have or are we going to order something?" Goggles could probably eat anything right now.

"I have some leftover pepperoni pizza but I only have four slices left so you can't have any more than two, you got that?" Goggles nodded and saluted with his hand to Rider, who then laughed a little.

They got to Rider's apartment, he put down the umbrella and searched for the keys and unlocked the door. They took off their coats which were a little wet and tossed off their shoes. Rider went into the kitchen and said,

"You can turn on the tv the remote should be on the coffee table, Imma heat up the pizza," Goggles turned on the tv and it went to the news,


"Well I'm glad both of us are inside, Rider!" Goggles flicked on a streaming service Rider had and popped on a movie that seemed nice from the animation section. Rider came over with the four pieces of pizza and asked,

"What is this movie about exactly? Lots of dark rooms," Rider started eating one of his slices of pizza.

"It sounds like it's just kids messing with their parents when they go on vacation," Goggles reached up for a piece of pizza since Rider hadn't sat down yet.

"Oh sorry, I didn't notice I was still standing," Rider sat down on the couch beside Goggles and handed a slice to Goggles. They watched the movie and ate the pizza until it was gone, and the two squids ended up hugging one another, just for warmth. As the movie went into it's credits Goggles yawned and nuzzled into Rider's neck getting drowsy.

"Hey don't fall asleep on me," Rider said in a soft tone.

"But you're warm," Goggles wined. Rider turned off the tv and got up pushing Goggles off him. Goggles shivered without the warmth from the other squid, he looked up as Rider turned off the lights and went down the hallway leaving him in the dark. A light turned on down the hallway, turned off and a different light came on but seemingly in the same room. Goggles got off the couch and walked over to the room finding Rider sitting on the foot of his bed looking at the floor.

"What took you so long?"

"I thought maybe you were bringing a blanket for me."

"And I thought you were going to follow me," Rider scooted up to the covers and got under them, "C'mon it'll be warm." Goggles got on the bed and slipped under the covers facing Rider.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Letting me sleep over, letting me sleep with you, just being nice in general!"

"What do you think?" Rider pulled one of his hands out from under the covers and brushed Goggles face. Goggles face got hot as he felt Rider's thumb run over his cheek softly.

"You like me?!?" Goggles squeaked in slight terror at Rider's response. Rider's face flushed at the fact Goggles said exactly what he was thinking.

"Of course you doofus," Rider looked up at the ceiling just to not make eye contact with Goggles. Goggles pulled out one of his hands and pulled Rider's face back to face him. They both being a blushing mess at this point, had the same idea. They both lean in and kiss the other, parting for air. Goggles snuggles up To Rider.

"Love you Ri."

"Love you too Goggs."

(1159 words, March 18th 2021)

I suck at writing :)

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