The Sad Burn Chapter 8

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It was 9 at night when you and Dean reached the grave yard you had givin directions to. It was dark, cold, and miserable. 

"Ok, letts do this quckly so I don't freeze to death!" You said through clenched teeth.

Dean walked around to the trunk and pulled out his shovel, a bottle of lighter fluid, a box of matches, a can of salt, and a flash light. He handed everything to you except the shovel.

"You gonna dig her grave up in this weather? Oh and lets not forget about your side Dean." You ever so slightly scolded Dean.

"Well do you wanna do it, princcess? I mean if you do, be my guest." He some what glared at you.

"Fine be carful then. I'll hold the flash light."

"Dean? How is it possable for Tina to be in that random house? I mean she didnt die there, she wasnt burried there, and she has never been there in her life." You questioned as Dean began to dig.

"I never thought of that...she has no relation with the people she killed?" Dean stopped and looked at you.  "No nothing at all, Dean she was 15 when she died, she didn't have any problems with anyone." 

Dean started to dig again. "I dont care how or why she was there, all I do care about is that we get this job done."

"Ok, yeah, agreed."

Half an hour later passes and Dean was at least 6 feet down when he hit something. By now you were sitting in the dirt by the grave when he hit it. Once you both heard the noise, Dean put his hand up and you helpped him out of the grave pit. 

"Ready (y/n)?"

"Yeah, can I do it?"

"(y/n), really? Are you sure you wanna do this?"

"Yes. Im posative I want to do this."

Dean salted and poored the lighter fluid over it for you and you light the matches. With a single tear down your cheeck, you dropped the matches in and watched the flames rise.

Dean pulled you back, you were standing right at the edge of the grave and would have been singed by the fire if he didnt pull you back. You turned to Dean's chest and started to cry. He wrapped his arms around your wast and swayed you back and forth. 

"Why? Why does it have to be her?! Why did she have to be the one to die...TWICE!" Your eyes were nearly red by now and Dean was starting to get worried. Dean walked you back to the Impala and sat you down in the passenger seat and walked around to his side and got in. 

"You gonna be okay, (y/n)?"

" dont know. I just wanna go back to the motel room and die in a puddle of tears."

You take off your shoes and put your feet up on the seet with your knees against your chest. Dean doesn't bother with music or anything, he just drives till you get back to the motel.


"When are we gonna head back to the bunker? I dont wanna be here, not in Colorado..." You questioned as you staggered over to yours and Dean's bed, and layed down in a ball. Dean walked over to you and sat on the side of the bed next to you.

"(Y/n), do you wanna leave now? We can if you want, I really don't mind driving." Dean offered as he put a hand on your leg.

"No, we both need sleep-"

"You can sleep in the car, I'm fine, really."

"Okay, if your up for it..."

Dean stood up and walked to the dresser to begin packing when you got up to help. Once you both finished packing. Dean descided to grab all the bags and louded them all in at once. You climbed in and so did he as he started the car. You were back at the bunker after about 5 hours and you fell asleep almost instantly with Dean by your side. But when you woke up, Dean was gone....

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