Chapter 16:It's Twisted

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Alisa- I went downstairs to get me something to raid the refrigerator, I was fucking starving. Luckily I didnt gain as much wait with this pregnancy as I was with the last. My thoughts were cut short when kings dad phone conversation got a little loud and heated and something he said rubbed me the wrong way so I decided to get my sisters involved. I made my way upstairs and knocked on both Dana and Trenece's door and waited out in the hall. They both came out at the same time so I had them come back downstairs with me and listen in on his conversation that was still going on.

Trenece- I woke up this moring and something felt off, usually when I get these feelings I'm usually right just like I was right when Dana got shot. Just as I got up and grabbed my phone somebody knocked on the door. I went to go open it with my phone in my hand and stepped out the room and closed the door behind me. Alisa was standing outside in the hallway with a weird look and Dana came out the same time I did and looked at our sister the same way I did. I nodded my head to tell her to talk. She told us that she wanted us to come down and listen in on kings dad's phone conversation because something seemed really off about it. I was really glad I grabbed my phone just in case it was something twisted going on.

We made our way down the stairs and in the kitchen near his office so I turned my recorder on as I heard him start talking again.

*Kings Dad's Convo*

I need those girls killed! They're too powerful to take over my mafia! My legacy will no longer matter if I let that selfish bastard I call a son takeover. I want them dead and they're heads on my desk! All of them! Even their children especially the leader king is married to! I want her first.
*Convo Over*

I was so heated I had tears in my eyes by the time I got done recording. I walked up the stairs and into me and kings room, he was layng on the bed looking at his phone.

King- I woke up and the spot next to me was empty, she was probably with her sisters so I picked up my phone and started scolling thru business shit. I heard the door open and Trenece had tears streaming down her face, that means somebody pissed her off or she's not feeling well. I jumped up when I saw her crying, she looked me dead in the eyes and told me my dad was a snake and handed me her phone. I pressed play and heard everything thing he said, what pissed me off the most was him putting my kids in it

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