the end.

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hi. i didn't want to be soppy. but this fic has grown with me. and i can't thank you guys enough for the support you've shown. seeing all of you make friends in the comments, all on my little story, makes me so so happy. an epilogue will be up in due course.

so this is the end.

The scene was like a nightmare, at the part where most would wake up - gasping for air and reality. Peter stood with trembling arms, pointing a gun at Sirius. With nerves, he occasionally pointed the gun at the ground instead of his target, not entirely knowing what his life had become.

"Peter, listen.", were Sirius' first words in response to this situation. He knew that this was one part of the plan Remus couldn't handle. Violence. He inched away from the box, enough to distance himself from Remus, but not enough to alert Peter.

"This is not you. The real you left us a few years ago. Now I understand why. But it's not too late. We will forgive you Peter." Sirius was hoping that this sympathetic approach would sort the situation before it had to revert to violence. In response, a single tear fell from Peter's eye and he shuffled around his fingers on the trigger. Remus was breathing so heavily at the thought of Peter moving his fingers too much. He felt faint.


James was rushing around inside his apartment, Lily had told him to calm down 50 times within the last minute. The news channel was blaring from the second-hand TV, the reporter relaying only lies.

"Terrorist attack this, public transport that. Lily, my friends are in trouble. Hell, my brothers are in trouble."

With that, James picked up a rucksack and went to make his way out of the door. Lily frantically started to kiss him, like a soldier going off to war. "How are you planning on getting there, hey? The boys took forever didn't they? Take my bike at least".

Fifteen minutes later, James was on the motorway, riding a bike with a tiny basket on the front and flowers on the handlebars. It was a unique but special sight. This was a man on a mission, no matter the mode of transport.


Around 30 minutes had passed since Sirius' speech, yet nobody had said a word and no shots were fired.

Peter was getting more jumpy as he constantly became aware of the growing time. The prime minister hadn't given him an amount of time, but he assumed that if it were too long, he too would be killed. Meanwhile, Remus hadn't taken his eyes off of the Polaroids that lay in front of him. So, who did take that photo of him and Sirius on the night they met?

At that thought, Remus boldly shot up, staring at Peter dead in the eyes. With the sudden movement, Peter had jolted and moved the gun towards Remus. Panic flashed before Sirius' eyes as he thought Peter would shoot.


No gun was shot, just a vital question.

"Peter, did you take these photos?"

At that, Peter's head was spinning and the only word he could mutter was "yes."

Tears welling up in Remus' eyes, he nodded slowly with realisation. It all made sense. In an odd way, he knew. And a weight was lifted from his innocent shoulders.


The second question. This time delivered with much more confidence.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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