Chapter Fourteen ☆

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This chapter is dedicated to every single one of yas that has stuck by this mess even though I don't update. Special recognition to marauder_obsessed for making me realise I should probably update. This is for you buddy! O and omg, thanks for 15K. I'm. Gobsmacked?

"I know we just had coffee at the coffee shop but tea always helps to calm down and feel cosy. Oh dear, is my inner British leaking out?" Sirius called out as he brought two steaming cuppas into the living room. Remus was still curled up on the floor, admiring the place. He was in total oblivion. "Ah, I see you found out about my paintings too."

"You could say that! Why didn't you tell me you could paint Sirius? There I was chatting about artists and poets and you just sat back and acted like you didn't know anything about art?" Replied Remus, not even stopping for a breath. Sirius chuckled and put down the mugs before he explained. "You may not realise it darling, but you are so adorable when you ramble on about something you're clearly passionate about."

It's safe to say that Remus displayed the expression of "speechless" perfectly. His mouth was so wide open, you could have probably stuffed a whole chocolate eclair in there. (This is a child friendly zone, I did not take the opportunity to make a dirty joke)

Sirius claps his hands as he stood up, something a 50 year old man would do but Remus didn't care. "So, want to watch mean girls?" Remus giggled and said "you would kill me if I said no"

*Halfway through the movie*

At the same time as it was said on screen, both Remus and Sirius recited the line "That's why her hair is so big. It's full of secrets." And at that they giggled like two year olds but swiftly after, Remus turned to Sirius. "Sirius, it's funny we recited that line. Because, I have secrets. And I feel obliged to tell you some of them. You deserve an explanation."

Immediately, Sirius hit the pause button. Not only did he not want to miss part of the film, but this was also a big time for Remus. After, he reached for the poor boy's hand. "Don't feel obligated to, you don't have to tell me. But if you want to, you know I'm going to be here always."

Remus had promised himself that he wouldn't start crying before he even got the story out, so instead he just squeezed Sirius' hand softly. "Well, it all began when I was in Year 10. It was the time where I had discovered that I was gay and I'd started liking boys. It was pretty difficult to find a boyfriend because all the boys believed they were hetereos. I mean, I 100% guarantee about 4 of them were gay but anyways. One boy stuck out to me. He was quiet and nobody really spoke to him." Remus had to stop for a moment to compose himself.

"Open!" Whispered Sirius. "Uh what? I only stopped for a breath. Sirius, istg if you don't take this seriously."

Sirius had, at that moment, put a chocolate into Remy's mouth. "I'm listening. Something sweet with help with the pain. Even though the pain is on the inside." Remus had never heard Sirius be so... Serious.

"Right so, about this boy. He became my best friend. We were inseparable. Of course, I only saw him as a best friend because I thought he was straight. Until one day he admitted to me that he was gay and that he was in love with me. I was overwhelmed and we become inseparable again, but this time as a couple."

He stopped after that, contemplating what he would say next and squeezing his cheeks together to hide his nervousness.

"His name was Galaxy. Yes, really. That's why I used it as a fake name when I first messaged you. And. Galaxy died, because of me."

You could tell that Remus was about to break down into tears and Sirius pulled him in close. Remy's legs were wrapped around Sirius' waist and he sobbed into Sirius' shoulder. Meanwhile, Sirius brushed his hands softly through remus' hair whilst whispering "it's okay, everything's okay. I'm here"

After a couple of minutes, Remus sat back up and looked as if he was going to start the story again. "Remus no. This is hurting you. You can tell me the rest another time."

"No, I have to do this now Sirius. You have to know what I did. Because, you may not want to be with me afterwards." Replied Remus as he took a sip of tea and began telling the story again.

"So, Galaxy was the quiet one in the relationship. In our relationship, I'm the quiet one but I was the loud one in this instance. We had gone to the movies and just came out when this group of boys started on us. I told Galaxy not to worry and to keep walking. But I let him walk behind me instead of protecting him."

"The boys were indeed homophobic. That was an understatement. They were telling all-sorts to us as we were walking. 'fag' was the worst of them. And then the ringleader came up to Galaxy and before I could do anything, he stabbed him."

"The boys immediately ran off and I was left sobbing next door to Galaxy. He wasn't immediately killed but he was bleeding out so much- so, so much."

Remus had stopped trying to hold back the tears now, he needed to let out the pain. Sirius hugged him tightly and kissed away his tears from his cheeks. In fact, he cradled him like a baby and it was almost comforting to Remus.

"Sirius. He died because of me. I didn't protect him" Remus said in between sobs. "No. He didn't. He died because this world is horrific and society is messed up. And I'm going to protect you now. I've got you and I'm never letting go, you hear me?"

Hey! Sorry this was
A) so badly written
B) So long and boring
C) so sadddd
I hope you enjoyed it though!
I will update within the next
two weeks this time, I promise lmao oh and sorry this update has
Taken like 388383 years to exist xx

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