Chapter nine ☆

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It's really happening, guys I'm outside the coffee shop. Hurry up will you?!

Dude, you were the one who left without us & really early.

I thought you were meeting Reemy at his house?

Change of plans, otherwise I'll seem like I'm his prom date picking him up.

Maybe you are.

Not helpful James. I'm nervous.

Wow. Sirius the badass is actually nervous. Jeeeeeeez bro

Leave Sirius alone... He is in L O V E

Okay, I'll text Remus now. Because we are about to leave. See you soon darlin.


Today is the day my lovely. We are leaving now. Are you ready?

As ready as I'll ever be. I'm nervous Lil.

So is Sirius. I'm sure you two will be fine. I promise.

I hope you're right. Is Sirius with you?

No. Erm. He rushed out because he didn't want to be late. He's already at the coffee shop.

Oh okay. Do you mind coming to pick me up? It's just that I don't think I'll be able to make it alone.

Ofc I can Reemy!! See you soon.

I love you.

Remus sat motionless on his bed for around ten minutes before he made his way up. He carefully opened his wardrobe to the full length mirror. He stood there glaring at himself, picking at the loose knitted sweater. What if Sirius didn't like him? What if he wasn't his type?

Then, there was a hard but almost homelike knock at the door. Lily. He checked himself over once more as he rushed down the hallway to open the front door. And there stood an Auburn goddess. She was wearing a loose white summer dress with glittering red flats.

"LILY EVANS YOU LOOK GORGEOUS!" Said Remus, over excitedly. "Why thank you Reemy, but have you seen yourself? You look absolutely stunning my love. Sirius will love it." She answered. At that, Remus' cheeks went bright red. Of course, he was blushing. He could have sworn that he had some alien blush disease.

Lily gave Remus the biggest hug as they both made their way into his bedroom. As usual, it was as tidy as ever. Last night he'd even resorted to alphabetically arranging his books, DVDs & CDs. He did that when he was nervous.

So all that was left to do was to pick up his wallet and his phone.

Lily grasped his hand tightly as a sign of affection. Remus ruffled his hair and began to walk. He was really doing this.

Outside was very sunny, thank goodness. James was walking alone to go and meet Sirius before Remus and Lily got there. There was no point in even considering taking Peter. He'd changed and not just because they bullied him sometimes. He'd genuinely changed.

But James carried on walking, he knew the way off by heart. Well he should do, the coffee shop was one of his childhood memories. Lily, Sirius and him always used to go there as children. Not to get coffee, because that would send them bouncing off of the walls but just for a chat after school.

All of a sudden, he spotted the familiar black hair of Sirius. He really did look nervous. Which was surprising because Sirius was always the outgoing one out of the pair.

James began to chuckle under his breath as he edged closer and closer to Sirius. He still couldn't believe that Sirius was nervous. Finally, James was a couple of metres away from Sirius and the dark haired boy spotted him. But then Sirius started to run towards James in a frantic run. James stood frozen to the spot. What WAS Sirius doing?

And then he gave James the biggest hug that anyone could have ever given someone. It had so much force and love put into it that it knocked James from his feet and soon the boys were laughing and crying on the ground.

"Woah Sirius what was that for man? You literally saw me like an hour ago, it was like on of those airport love scenes." Laughed James, wiping away a few tears. "I have absolutely no idea, these nerves are making me do weird things. I just wanted to say that you're the best brother anyone could ever have. Even if well, you're not actually my brother."

At that, James began to cry but he totally tried to make it look stylish. As always, it's James Potter after all. "Well aren't you suddenly a big softy. Come on! Help me up! Remus will be here any minute. Why don't you text him?"

And with that, James was back on his feet and Sirius had began typing to Remus. What a wonderful day to be alive.


Hey Remus, I just wanted to check you're okay. To be totally honest, I'm super nervous.

Oh my goodness. Everyone must mark this day in their diaries. This is the day that Sirius Black was actually nervous.

Oh shush you. I think I've turned you into a sarcastic monster like me.

Well then, we shall be monsters together because you're all I need.

Istg marry me now omg Reemy!

I'll be here soon, I'm about 5 minutes away.

I will start ordering our drinks then. But I'll still text you until you're here. Don't think that you can get rid of me that easily.

Oooo controlling. I like it. It's sexy.

Oh my lord. I'm sorry for what I have created. Forgive me.

You love it really.

Of course I do. It's fabulous.

I bet you're wearing holey jeans and a leather jacket right now

Okay that's creepy. You didn't tell me you're a fortune teller.

I'm not, you're just my soulmate.

Okay that's enough. Stop teasing me you little shite, hurry up and get your ass down here.

Oh, but I'm already here darling.

Hey everyone!! Sorry I haven't
been writing for a month, I have
important exams but I'll update
when I can my lovelies. AND ALSO

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