Chapter Fifteen ☆

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Speechless. 20K views? When starting to write this, I would never have imagined reaching 20K. Thank you so much. I cannot express how much love I have for all of you.

And uh, I said the next update would be in 2 weeks but it's actually been 2 months. Oops, I'm sorry!

And an announcement before this chapter. From henceforth, I shall dedicate each chapter to the most active/nicest fan of my story. Or the person who motivates me to write the chapter... Eek.

This chapter is dedicated to Potato190505 whose comments motivated me to continue writing <3

Remus suddenly stopped crying after Sirius' speech. He was right. He didn't cause Galaxy's death. Society did. And those bullies too. "Sirius, will you help me bring Galaxy justice?" Remus turned to Sirius. "Reemy, of course I'll do anything but remember violence won't make anything better"

Remus rolled his eyes, which was weird for two reasons. A) Remus never rolled his eyes. He was too sophisticated for that, right? B) This really wasn't the best time for rolling eyes. But of course there was reasoning behind the action, "Sirius Black, I'm deeply offended that you think I of all people would resolve this in violence. I just want to be a detective, track them down and make them apologise."

Sirius laughed which was also strange considering the atmosphere in the room. "Of course, that makes sense. Omg we could pretend we're from diehard" He then turns around and reaches behind the sofa, an action Remus becomes increasingly confused about. This was until Sirius pulled something out. "Close your eyes omg this is comedy gold". To which, Remus obliged.

When Remus opened his eyes again, Sirius was wearing clout goggles making a finger gun with his hands. It was indeed a comedy gold moment and Remus snapped a photo to embarrass him in the future. "There's two types of music I could put on right now. Some badass cop tune or the Mii Plaza music." Without a second thought, Remus played the later. Both boys sat in fits of laughs for almost an hour until the realisation came back to them both.

"Reemy, I'll promise you I'll find them" Sirius said before turning to Remus. But as he turned, he noticed that Remus was asleep against his shoulder. This was the moment Sirius truly appreciated Remus' beauty. How his freckles looked like star constellations, how his soft brown hair swooped down into his face. Sirius even chuckled to himself when he noticed Remus' glasses were slightly wonky. How could one boy be so cute?, He thought.

Being overwhelmed with love wasn't the only thing Sirius felt, despite this. He was incredibly upset but mostly angry. He'd had his fair share of homophobic experiences but never a murder. Before leaving to settle down for the night, he leaned over Remus, took his glasses off carefully and kissed his forehead lightly. With a final movement, Sirius tucked Remus in with a blanket and it seemed like Remus self-consciously acknowledged the act with a slight smile.

Although Remus was asleep, Sirius was not going to let the story sit on his conscience. He was going to start tracking down those bullies now. In fact, they weren't even worthy of the title "bullies". So, he grabbed his phone and began to type....

Same Day - 3am


Remus told me everything. What can I do to help? He wants to track them down.

We thought he'd tell you tonight. How is he?

He seems okay. Right now he's sleeping but I don't know what he's thinking.

How does he want to track them down?

He described us as being detectives lmao

That's actually a good idea.

[Track who down? What?]

Peter, why the sudden interest?

[Who are Sirius and Remus tracking down? Tell me!]

The boys who killed Galaxy.

Why all the questions?

[I uh. I don't think that's a good idea. What, what if they stab you too?]

Okay, usually I'm nice to you Peter but you're literally never interested in the welfare of Sirius. What is wrong with you?

Something you need to tell us, Peter?

[No. Wouldn't need to tell my bullies anything]

We prefer the term "initiating karma"

[Well, these people are homophobes]

Do you want a damn cookie for that revelation?

Anyway, I'm going to make a corkboard with suspects and stuff.

That's great. I'll help tomorrow. No doubt Reemy will colour code it.

We all know he will.

[Why waste the time? They probably aren't around here anymore anyway]

But they're clearly still bullying Remus, butthead. Look at the messages he received today. Oh wait, you weren't there. That doesn't give you an alibi.

Peter Pettigrew. Where were you at approximately 5pm today?


At that last message, Sirius left the chat. He couldn't deal with Peter's mind games. Although, James had a good point. Where was he when Remus recieved the messages? He then proceeded to think back to all the times Remus' bullies attacked. In all the attacks, Peter was not present.

Sirius conveniently had a corkboard in his bedroom. Remus had always imagined him as a disorganised person, he'd probably have a heart attack when he notices all the stationary Sirius has. Sirius took a selfie of himself and Peter and cut it in half, pinning the side with Peter's face on the board. A thick Sharpie marker was then drawn out of Sirius' desk. He wrote two words underneath the photo.

Suspect One.

𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 & 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲; wolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now