BTS Reaction; Silent Treatment On Them

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*Has some serious grammar mistakes*


"This is extremely childish," Jin said as you gave him an annoyed look, looking back at your phone. He waited a little longer to see if you'd say something this time, but you remained quiet.

"You can't keep this up forever. You have to speak eventually." Jin stated. He leaned forward across the table, trying to get you to look at him. "Y/N."

You reluctantly glanced up at him, giving him an irritated expression.

"What kind of person doesn't like pizza?" He grinned, and you could sense the dad joke from twenty miles away.'Don't do it.' You thought silently to yourself, knowing you couldn't stop it.

"A weird dough." Jin started laughing, and you snorted in an attempt to keep it together. Oh, that was close.

"Oh come on Y/N that was a good one! I'm gonna keep telling them until you laugh or say something. Speak now or forever hold your peace!"


"Say something." Namjoon tapped your shoulder for the hundredth time. You gave him an annoying side glance, then went back to watching the television. "I'm sorry." He said, but your eyes remained straight ahead.

".. You look beautiful right now." Namjoon complimented before giving you a peck on the cheek. You felt your heart swell, but refused to look at him." You're always beautiful though." Namjoon continued. "Really, I could stare for hours. That would be creepy though, so I won't. But I'm just saying. I could do it. You're stunning."

You couldn't help it, your lips upturned into a slight smile. Namjoon grinned, deciding to take it further now that you were breaking.

"Y/N~ talk to me. I'm missing your voice." Namjoon leaned dangerously close after that, making your cheeks heat up. It was becoming nearly impossible not to acknowledge him now that his hands were around you.

"Or maybe I'll just have to find other ways to make you speak.."


There's no giving Yoongi the silent treatment. Why? Because he'll give it right back. You'd both been sitting on opposite ends of the table completely silent with only occasional glances at one another. The silence was starting to become unbearable for the both of you, but neither gave in. Jungkook came in for a snack and immediately sensed the tension.

"This won't do. You have to talk to each other eventually." He said as he walked past the two of you.

"No." You stated, at the exact same time Yoongi said it. You looked at each other. "Stop that." You both said at the same time, in perfect sync. You suddenly forgot your grudge and started to laugh. Yoongi sighed irritability at the fact that he had given in, but he was smiling.

"My job here is done." Jungkook grinned as he grabbed his food and left.

"Ugh... That kid always has to ruin my plans."


Hoseok batted his big doe eyes at you. You bit your tongue and averted your eyes, knowing you'd give in from guilt if you kept staring.

"Y/N~" He purred in a high-pitched voice. Oh no. You'd been giving him the silent treatment for too long, he was going to his last resort. Aegyo. You considered giving in, but you bit your lip and stared him down.

"Y/N I'm sowwy! I won't do it again. I promise." Hoseok said in the same pitch, combining it with a pout and balled up fists to double the cringe factor. You couldn't help but hiss in embarrassment and look away. Hoseok smirked when he realized you were about to break.

"I'm only getting started Y/N. Don't make me break out the fake crying too~"


You weren't being serious about the silent treatment, so you didn't expect Jimin to look so hurt when you started ignoring him. It'd probably only go on for a few minutes before Jimin's sulky behaviour and sad glances would become too much to bear.

"I was kidding, I'm not mad." You finally said, not being able to stand your boyfriend moping around like a scolded puppy. A triumphant smirk suddenly appeared on his face.

"Ha, I knew you'd give in!"

Realizing he'd just been acting this entire time to guilt you, you groaned. "Park Jimin you sneaky little..."

"What? You started it. I know you can't stay mad~"


"Wow, this looks so good." Taehyung boasted before he took a giant bite of his hamburger. "Mmm. Delicious." He said before making obnoxiously loud chewing noises, trying to gain your attention.

You stared at him for a second, then went back to reading. You were giving him the silent treatment, so he was eating food in front of you trying to get you to break and ask for some. But you refused, no matter how good that hamburger looked... And how much his slurping was annoying you. Taehyung took a big gulp of his soda, making sure it was audible for you.

"Just say the word and it's all yours." Taehyung mocked as he waved a fry in front of your face. You tried to grab it but he snatched it back and ate it before you could.

"Tsk tsk~ you're gonna have to speak up if you want anything."


You were pretty sure you could give Jungkook the silent treatment for weeks and he wouldn't even notice. Jungkook played on his game console, oblivious to your glaring from the other side of the couch. You sighed and decided to scroll through social media, seeing how long it would take him to realize he'd actually ticked you off.

After a few rounds, Jungkook tried to ask you if you wanted to play but was received by silence.

"... Are you ignoring me?" He asked you, but you didn't even look at him. "Don't be like this." Silence.

"Ah. Okay. So that's how you want to play it." Before you could even blink, Jungkook was on you tickling your sides. Had it been a more serious argument, you would've pushed him off. But realizing how petty your reason was, you couldn't help but start laughing.

"Stop, stop!" You complained while trying to grab his hands.

"I knew you could never stay mad at me."

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