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Corbyn Pov
Keeping my hands in my pockets and my head down, i walked through the mall, avoiding any hunters.

I hate having to leave Evie, i know she can take care of herself but i cant shake the thought of Jackson getting the jump on her.

As i walk, i stopped to take a look at the clothing display, it would help me blend in if i looked like the normal shopper, plus, the clothes are actually really nice.

To my left there was a Kay store, the old commercial song plays in my head 'every kiss begins with Kay'.

Along with that, it reminded me of a surprise i have for Evie, i haven't told anyone about it. I was planning on doing it at the cabin but that didn't turn out as planned.

So once all of the craziness is over, we get everyone back together and save Daniel, i will.

I walked over to the Kay store, eyeing around if there was anything i liked or i could get Evie something.

"You got a girl? Or you lookin for yourself?" A girl's voice sounded behind me.

Turning to see a short haired dark skinned girl behind the counter of jewelry, she looked about seventeen.

"Uh, maybe both" i answered, scratching the back of my head.

"Well we got mens and womans jewellery in here" she smiled.

"Yeah, my girlfriend Evie is doin her own thing right now, thought i would see if there was something she might want" i chuckle, continuing to scan over the glass shelving of jewellery.

"What does she like?" The dark skinned girl asked.

"Uh, hard to answer, the more... 'extravagant' the better" i remembered how before the accident, we were talking about how she loved the extravagant baby names.

"Extravagant huh?" The girl proceeded to search with me.

"I guess i am the same" i held up my hands with my rings.

"Nice" she smiled "a guy who can rock the jewellery, girl's love that."

"Yeah, Evie will sometimes play with them when were on the couch" i snickered.

"So is this just a hey-i-love-you-so-im- getting-you-this, gift? Or...?" She asked.

"Uh well, she's pregnant" an uncontrollable grin made its way to my face almost making my cheeks hurt.

"EEEE! OMG!" The girl squealed "thats so exciting! How far along is she?"

"About a month, we just got the ultrasound but the baby is stubborn and we cant tell the gender" i rolled my eyes.

"Babys will do that" she nodded "you look young to be having a kid."

"Im twenty two, she's twenty, but trust me, we can take care of that kid" i assured.

"I would hope so" she laughed before eyeing me closer "wait a minute."

"Hm?" I hummed in confusion.

"Now i know where i recognize you" she pointed at me "you were on that billboard, a band, Why Dont We, i remember driving by as you and another boy on it were waving and pointing at it."

"Oh yeah" i laughed "that was a fun day, have you listened to any of our music?"

"One song, fallin, but i actually just listened the other day and didn't watch the video, it was a great song" she complemented "now i see what you mean when you say you can take care of that baby."

"Mhm, y-" i stopped, hearing a conversation, it was two hunters, they were going in and out every store, and about to enter this one.

Panic rushes through me and i lean over the glass counter.

"We're are the bathrooms?" I rushed and she pointed to the back of the store "if anyone comes in asking for me, you dont tell them anything...please" i begged.

"Go, i can handle this" she nodded and i began to walk "and if your a criminal i beat your ass" she let out a small laugh.

In a flash i entered the bathroom, there were four stalls, it was quite nice in here, great quality compared to most public rest rooms.

I listened for what was happening.

"Can i help you?" The girl asked as two mens footsteps came in.

"This may be an odd question but has a man came in here? Dark hair, tall, lots of rings?" One man asked.

"Why?" She asked in confusion.

"Just answer the question girl" another man demanded.

"Unless you have a badge, you cant order me around dip shit" she fired back "and i just left the bathroom, i haven't seen a single person."

"Excuse-" the man was cut off by the other calming him....there gonna check the bathrooms...

Slowly backing up, i shut myself in a stall, not locking it, waiting for there entrance.

The door creaked open, keeping my breathing soft, i can control my heart beat even if i am scared.

One man got close enough to the door, with all my might i swung the door open, it smacking the man in the face.

I stepped out, the man on the floor holding his face in pain.

The other tries to punch me, catching his fist and punching him in the gut.

With my free hand i spun around to grab the fist from the man i hit with the door.

Holding them both i squeezed my hands to the point of breaking theirs, swiftly releasing my grip, and slamming their head against the wall.

They fell limp.

Stepping over the unconscious men, i opened the door were the dark skin girl stood staring at me, her eyes darted between me and the two men on the floor.

I grabbed her arm, pulling her aside, she was very stiff, she seems a bit scared of me now.

"Shhh" i put a finger to my lips before she could say a word.

"What the hell!?" She whisper yelled.

"Look, those are not good men, they want something from me, my girlfriend and all my friends" i started.

"What do they want? And how did you just take down two large men like it was nothing?" She questioned.

"Money, they want money" i lied "and my friends and i have taken mixed marshal arts" i lied again, but it was the only thing i could tell her.

"You know that those are bad men, i know it" i stated.

"They didn't pass the vibe check" she shook her head.

"I dont want you mixed up in this, so play it off normally okay, they have no clue i came in contact with you" i told her.

"I dont want to be in this, i cant fight, i talk big but cant fight" she huffed.

"So its best to stay out of it" i remembered Evie was still on her own "i have to go get Evie."

"Hey!" She called, worried expression as i turned "be careful, tell Evie especially, pregnant girl in all of this doesn't mix."

I nodded at her and ran out, seeing Evie, walking alonh with Zach and Izzy.

I immediately ran and grabbed her, holding her in a tight embrace.

"Did anything happen while i was gone?" I asked.

"Jackson chased me down but i got away with help, you?" She asked.

"Just took down two hunters in the bathroom of a jewellery store" i snickered.

"One down, four to go" Zach said as we went on a search for Tate, Jack, Allen and Evie's dad.

Ugh, just imagine Corbyn doing this stuf is just, AAHH

What will happen next? Let me know what you think will happen!

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