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Months have passed and you already had the baby, it was a girl. You survived giving birth to your baby girl. You and carl wanted a nice name for her, her name was scarlet. You two loved the name. "I love you y/n" he kisses you. "I love you carl" you reply to him. "Carl i have something to tell you" you say to him. You were going to tell him the secret you were keeping from him. "I went on a run.." You say, "its okay" "thats not all carl....um.....i asked daryl to come with me because..i was going after the guys who shot you and i-i- we killed them." You say crying. "Im sorry i kept it from you, i didn't mean to carl!". He walks out of the room. "Carl please!!! Im sorry!!" "I can't believe you". " i was protecting you! I CANT LOOSE YOU CARL!" He walks away. You stay crying while hugging scarlet. "Daddy WILL be back my love don't worry" you say smiling to Scarlet. "Mommy is here scarlet and she wont let you go....i promise." You hug her tight and kiss her in the forehead. Hours later you are asleep next to Scarlet and Carl walks into your room, he grabs baby Scarlet. He takes her for a walk. "Hey there, its daddy here and i wanted to say that i love you with every inch of my heart just like your mom and i promise i will NEVER let go of you, my little love...you WILL survive this world i promise. Im going to tell you a story about me and my mother, she would protect me no matter what and she told me "Carl YOU WILL beat this world, i know you will!" And I'm after she passed giving birth to your aunty Judith and I'm going to tell you the same thing she told me, "Scarlet YOU WILL beat this world, i know you will, all of us will". You woke up and saw him giving the speech to Scarlet and you started getting emotional. You walk up to him and sit down where he was with Scarlet. You hold his hand and kiss him in the cheek. "I love you carl, you ARE right we will beat this world, she will, if we don't then she will." "We will y/n i promise you we will" "I'm so sorry carl I didn't mean to hurt you." "No I'm sorry, its okay I understand i would have done the same thing" he tells you. He forgives you and holds your hand really tight. "Why don't you come to bed carl its getting late... Here i will take Scarlet in her crib next to us then me and you can sleep together alright?" "Yea sounds good" he kisses you. You two lay down in bed together, you hold his hand and tell him "we are radioactive" he laughs "we are radioactive!" He says laughing. "Welcome to the new age Scarlet....welcome to the new age" you say smiling. Knowing that you are all together makes you happy. You guys sleep peacefully.

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