Chapter 1

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It was a seemingly normal summer day for seven year old Seonghwa. His mom had bought some fresh lemons from the market, and had made sandwiches and lemonade for lunch. Seonghwa's father would be returning from his trip at sea later that day and the boy was excited to see him after almost six months. Seonghwa's father was an explorer which was why he was always gone most of the time, but he would always bring Soenghwa something back from his trip to add to his collection that lined the bookshelf in the young boys room. Seonghwa was sitting in his usual spot in his backyard, he was sitting on the dock, his feet dangling off the edge as he peeled the orange that he would always eat after his lunch. Seonghwa was humming softly to himself as he peeled the orange placing the peels on the empty plate that once contained his sandwich. The young boy heard a splash a few feet away from him that caused him to look up from his task. Seonghwa looked around thinking a dolphin might have surfaced having seen the animal a couple times when he was sitting out on the dock.

When he didn't see anything he turned his attention back to his half peeled orange, peeling the rest of it, splitting the fruit in half. Seonghwa heard the splash again, shooting his head up catching a glimpse of something in the water. Seonghwa thought he saw what looked like a tail slipping into the water, but the tail seemed too big to be any type of fish or sea creature that he knew of. Seonghwa continued to look out into the water for a few more seconds before turning looking back down to his fruit. He plopped a piece of orange in his mouth, the tangy yet sweet flavor filling his mouth as he chewed. This time the splashing sounded closer to him and Seonghwa made sure to see what it was, his eyes meeting with bright gold irises that had specks of light pink in them. Before Seonghwa could register what he was looking at the creature gasped getting ready to dive back into the water. "Wait!!!" Seonghwa's tiny voice shouted out, causing the creature to stop in its tracks. "I won't hurt you" Seonghwa spoke softly, the creature still seeming hesitant. Since the creature didn't seem like it would disappear again Seonghwa got a better look at it. The creature looked human for the most part, he had a pretty face with strong features and piercing eyes. His hair was a soft pink color, the water droplets reflecting the sunlight making the hair shimmer. Seonghwa noticed that on the creatures neck there was a set of three lines on each side opening and closing, 'gills?' the seven year old thought to himself.

Seonghwa turned his attention back to the creature, seeing that it was looking at his hands. Seonghwa looked down, seeing that he was still holding the orange he had just peeled, looking back at the creature Seonghwa held half the orange out to him. "It's an orange, it's really tasty" he explained, he wasn't sure if the creature fully understood what he was saying but since he didn't leave when Seonghwa called out to him, the boy assumed that he could understand some stuff. As the creature swam closer, Seonghwa saw that he looked to be around his age and when he reached his hand out he saw his sharp claws. Seonghwa smiled a bit when the creature grabbed the orange half swimming a bit away before sniffing the fruit and stuffing the whole thing in its mouth. The creatures eyes widened as it swam closer holding his hand out again, Seonghwa giggling, "I'll give it to you if you can tell me your name" he spoke. Seonghwa wasn't even sure if the boy in front of him could speak, but he was hoping he could. For a few seconds the young boy just stared at Seonghwa, "it's San" it uttered quickly. Seonghwa was taken back a bit, the boys voice was very pretty, it was soft and light. Seonghwa smiled as he handed San the other half of his orange the boy taking it this time not swimming away as he stuffed the fruit into his mouth.

"How old are you? I'm seven" Seonghwa asked, he was a bit eager to make a new friend, not really having many since he preferred to keep to himself, plus the kids in his town were annoying and made fun of him for some reason. San swallowed the fruit licking his razor sharp teeth, to Seonghwa they look almost like shark teeth. "I am six," San answered, holding his hand out again wanting another piece of fruit. Seonghwa shook his head, "sorry I only had one orange" he explained to San, the boy pouting as his arm splashed back into the water. Seonghwa was about to ask San something else when his mom called for him. Seonghwa stood up grabbing his empty plate and cup, San watched with curious eyes. "I'll be back later, meet me here, i'll bring more oranges" he whispered before running back inside his house. San watched the boy as he walked inside the house a small smile forming one his face as he sunk back into the water swimming away.

San was waiting for Seonghwa by the dock, his tail swishing back and forth under the water as he looked at the dock. Night had come and the moon was high in the sky as it illuminated the dark sea water. San wasn't sure if Seonghwa remembered to come back, the young mermaid hoping he did. Seonghwa was his first human friend, and despite the warnings of his pod, the human seemed very kind and not evil like the ones his pod talked about. San was about to swim back home when he heard soft footsteps coming to the deck. He quickly dived underwater not sure if it was Seonghwa or someone else, but he resurfaced when he heard Seonghwa calling his name. Seonghwa smiled when he saw San's head pop out the water, he sat down at the dock, reaching into his pockets pulling out three oranges. San's eyes widened holding his hand out, Seonghwa chuckled, "wait I have to peel them" he explained as he began peeling an orange. San pouted, placing his arm back in the water, as he watched Seonghwa peel the fruit. "What kind of creature are you?" Seonghwa asked the question in his head earlier in the morning. "I'm a mermaid" San answered smiling when Seonghwa finally handed him an orange, eating the whole thing in one bite. Seonghwa's eyes widened with wonder, "really?" his voice held his excitement.Seonghwa had heard stories about mermaids from his dad and fairytale books his mom would read him, but he never thought he would meet one in person. San nodded watching as Seonghwa started peeling another orange, "can I try?" he asked his eyes wide with curiosity.

Seonghwa nodded handing San the other orange that was sitting next to him on the dock, "watch me" he told San as he began showing the mermaid how to peel the fruit. San watched before trying on his own his sharp nails making it easy to peel the skin of the fruit off, dropping it into the ocean. Once San was done he showed it to Seonghwa the human smiling wide, "Good job" he grinned chuckling as San plopped the whole fruit in his mouth, chewing happily. Seonghwa split his orange in half, eating half of it, his cheeks puffing out as he tried to chew the fruit. San eyed Seonghwa's other half looking up at the boy with hopeful eyes. Seonghwa swallowed his piece before handing San the other half, "you sure do eat a lot" he commented. San shoved the piece in his mouth, chewing and swallowing before answering, "we don't have food like this in the ocean" he explained. Seonghwa nodded, "we'll now that we are friends you can have as many oranges as you want" he smiled softly, his eyes turning into crescents. San's eyes widened, his tail swishing under the water happily, "are we really friends?" he asked not being able to contain his smile, sharp teeth on display glimmering in the moonlight. Seonghwa nodded, "of course" he giggled. Seonghwa turned his attention to his house when he heard his mom call for him, his father having returned home. Seonghwa gasped, turning to San, "I have to go, but I will see you tomorrow okay?" he asked the mermaid. San nodded, "tomorrow" he smiled back before watching Seonghwa run back to his house, diving under the water swimming back home. 

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