Chapter 6

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A week has passed since San had told Seonghwa about his pod. The mermaid was slowly coming to terms with what had happened, and spending his time with Seonghwa helped. San had also found a small cave that was closer to where Seonghwa lived, the mermaid not being able to handle staying at his pod's former place of living, the memories too painful for him. Right now, Seonghwa had returned from school the young teen having finished his homework and was making his way outside to spend the rest of his evening with San. Seonghwa walked towards the shore, a bowl of peeled oranges and strawberries in his hand. Seonghwa smiled when he saw San's head pop up out the water, the mermaid giving the human his own dimpled smile. Seonghwa was glad that San was starting to be his usual self, the young teen not liking seeing his friend sad. "Hi Sannie!" Seonghwa greeted the mermaid as he sat down on the sand placing the bowl in arms reach for both of them.

San's eyes lit up when he saw the red and orange fruit. The mermaid quickly grabbed an orange shoving the whole piece in his mouth, chewing happily as the sweet and slightly sour taste filled his mouth. Seonghwa giggled picking up a strawberry and taking a bite out of the fruit. Once San swallowed he looked at Seonghwa, "How was school?" he asked the human, reaching for a strawberry this time stuffing it in his mouth. "School was school, I had a math test today and I am pretty sure I failed" Seonghwa answered, picking up another strawberry. San giggled, "I am sure you did fine, you're actually really smart" the mermaid spoke, complimenting his friend. Seonghwa rolled his eyes, "I am smart in other things, math is not one of them" he replied back. San just giggled again, grabbing an orange and shoving it in his mouth. "What did you do while I was gone?" Seonghwa asked his friend leaning back on his hands as he awaited his answer. San swallowed the orange before speaking, "I slept in today, then I went hunting to find something to eat, I managed to catch a few crabs so I ate those, then I decided to try and make a new pouch but that didn't go so well" San giggled at the last part remembering the pouch he attempted to make which came out too small, and he ended up sewing the entire thing shut.

Seonghwa playfully pouted, "Sounds like you had a better day than me" he giggled. San just shrugged as he picked up two strawberries stuffing both of them in his mouth. A cold wind blew past the boys, causing San to shiver a bit. Winter wasn't coming for another couple of weeks, but the signs of its arrival was slowly approaching. Seonghwa noticed San shivering, the young teen was fine since he was wearing long pants and a coat. San sighed resting his face in his hands, a small pout forming on his lips. "I don't wanna leave...I know the way but i've never travelled by myself and I am scared" the mermaid spoke softly. Seonghwa looked at his friend his face dropping as well, "Oh yeah, you do have to go before winter hits...I wish you could stay" he spoke his own pout forming. Seonghwa knew that San couldn't stay in cold waters the mermaid had to swim to warmer ones like he did every winter, but this time it was different because San would be going alone, and Seonghwa was worried that something might happen to his friend on the way. "I know, I wanna stay too...I don't wanna spend my winter by myself" San spoke another sigh leaving his lips as his tail swished behind him.

The boys sat in silence for a while, San thinking about his journey to warmer waters while Seonghwa was thinking about how he could get San to stay. The young teen stood up dusting his pants off. San watched him tilting his head curiously, "where are you going?" he asked worried that Seonghwa was going home early, the mermaid still wanting to spend time with his friend. "I am going to go ask my dad something" Seonghwa answered before turning around and running to the house. Mr. Park was sitting in his office going over his journals that he used to keep logs of all the artifacts he has found on his journeys. The male had crates of artifacts that he was currently cataloging before he would sell them to collectors or other explorers like him. Mr. Park lifted his head from his work when he heard footsteps entire into his office, a smile gracing his face when he saw his son standing in front of his desk. "What can I do for you?" the man asked the boy, closing his journals so all his attention was on his son. Seonghwa shifted from side to side as he tried to figure out how to word his question, "um...I need your help with something" he started off.

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