Chapter 3

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The next couple of weeks were filled with fun for both San and Seonghwa. The boys met with each other everyday on the tiny stretch of sand, talking to each other and eating fruits. Seonghwa decided to introduce some other fruits to the mermaid hoping he would like them too. So far, San likes strawberries, kiwis, and grapes but oranges were his all time favorite. The boys also learned more about each other. San learned that Seonghwa wants to be an explorer like his father, wanting to travel the world and see various things, and write stories about his adventures. Seonghwa learned that mermaids ate fish, seaweed, and oysters. The boy also learned that soon San would start going hunting with his father and the other males in their pod, the boy was excited because he wanted to share some of his favorite foods with the human boy to thank him for giving him so many delicious fruits. The boys also swam together, San not going too far out since he knew Seonghwa couldn't swim for as long as him, the human getting tired after a few hours. San also would bring sea shells he thought Seonghwa could add to his collection, the seven year old loving them placing them on his top shelf where he put his most treasured gifts.

Today however was a special day, it was San's birthday the mermaid turning seven. Seonghwa was busy in his kitchen making San's gift, his mother watching amusedly. She had noticed her son seemed much happier and was eager to go out, when she asked him what changed his mood, he said he made a new friend but he couldn't say who it was since he promised them he wouldn't tell anyone for their safety. Of course, the woman knew all about her son's new sea friend, watching him from the kitchen window seeing Seonghwa talking to a boy catching a glimpse of his tail. At least she knew what was happening to all their oranges. Mrs. Park decided to keep it a secret that she knew about Seonghwa's new friend knowing her son would probably feel bad for not being able to keep the mermaids secret like he promised. Seonghwa was concentrated on San's gift, his eyebrows furrowed his lips set into a tiny concentrated pout. He was making a fruit jar for San, so the mermaid could enjoy his favorite fruits when he was back home with his pod. Once he added the last piece of cut strawberry to the car, sealing it closed Seonghwa smiled proudly.

"Look mama!" Seonghwa showed his mom the gift proudly, the women smiling softly. "I am sure your new friend will love it" she said ruffling his hair. "Now wash your hands before you go outside, i'll clean up for you" Mrs. Park gently told her son. Seonghwa nodded practically running to the sink, as he washed his hands, ridding them of the sticky fruit juice. Once Seonghwa dried them off, he grabbed his towel off the back of a kitchen chair, and slipped his underwater camera around his neck, then grabbed San's present. He stood on his tiptoes to kiss his mother's cheek, his father coming walking into the kitchen at that moment. "Woah where is my little explorer going?" Mr. Park asked, smiling at his son. Seonghwa looked at his dad proudly, "my friend and I are going to explore the ocean today" he answered back his eyes turning into crescents as he smiled. Seonghwa's father smiled, his face mirroring his sons. Seonghwa looked the most like his father when he smile everyone in the town always telling him that. "We'll you two stay safe out there alright, and be back by dinner" Mr. Park instructed ruffling his sons hair lovingly. Seonghwa whined fixing his raven colored hair back into place, "I will" he agreed quickly kissing his father on the cheek before running to the back door. His parents smiling fondly as they watch their son running to the edge of their backyard meeting up with a pink haired mermaid.

San smiled his tail swishing happily causing small waves to form around him. Seonghwa walked onto the sand, holding out the fruit jar, "Happy birthday!" he shouted, giggling a little. San gasped the mermaid surprised that Seonghwa got him a gift, he had learned from the human that it was a tradition among humans to give gifts on days like these but he never accepted Seonghwa to remember his birthday let alone give him a gift. San gently took the jar out of Seonghwa's hand admiring it, "it's a fruit jar, I filled it with all of your favorite fruits so you can enjoy them back at home" Seonghwa explained, biting his nip nervously not sure if San would like his gift. San looked at Seonghwa smiling, "thank you! I promise to cherish it" the mermaid said his eyes going back to all the fruit Seonghwa put in the jar, happy to see a bunch of oranges. Seonghwa beamed at San's words a wave of relief washing over the seven year old to hear that the mermaid liked his gift. San carefully placed the jar of fruit in the sand, digging it in a bit to ensure it wouldn't get carried away by the waves. "Ready to go exploring?" San excitedly asked, Seonghwa nodded placing his towel on the grassy part of his backyard before slipping his shirt off placing it next to his towel before walking into the cool water. San pushed himself off the sand sliding deeper into the water as he waited for Seonghwa to catch up to him.

Once the boy was in front of him, his feet kicking as he moved his arms San turned around so his back was facing Seonghwa. Seonghwa swam up to San wrapping his arms around the mermaid's shoulders. "Deep breath" San instructed, Seonghwa opened his mouth taking in a huge intake of hair before closing his mouth his cheeks fully puffed out. "Alright remember to tap my shoulder twice once you need to come up" San reminded his friend. Seonghwa nodded and closed his eyes as San dived into the ocean his tail splashing the water behind him. Seonghwa opened his eyes once he was fully submerged blinking them a bit due to the slight sting, but soon they adjusted and he could clearly see the pretty blue waters that surrounded them. San moved his powerful tail as he swam through the ocean heading to their destination. Seonghwa watched as San's pink hair floated in the water, squinting his eyes amused, the hair reminded him of colorful seaweed. It took the boys about two hours to get to where they were going due to Seonghwa having to come up for air many times. San didn't mind though, he was just happy to be spending his birthday with the boy.

The place San had taken Seonghwa to was a pirate ship, the raven haired male saying how much he wanted to see a real life sunken ship like the ones from his stories. San had searched around for one that wasn't too deep to get to so Seonghwa could explore it with him. San was waiting below the water while Seonghwa was catching his breath. Once the male had his cheeks full of air he dived back down with San. San took the boys hand, leading him down to the pirate ship. Once they were close enough to it, Seonghwa used his free hand to take pictures of the huge ship on his camera. San had to hold the boys hand the whole time they explored the ship, so he didn't get carried off by the current, and so he could quickly swim him back to the top for air. The boys spend about a good hour exploring the ship, Seonghwa took many pictures planning on adding them to his scrapbook his mom got him for christmas last year. San also picked up some pirate coins for Seonghwa, knowing his friend would like to have them in his collection. Once they finished exploring, San could tell Seonghwa was getting tired and it was starting to get late, so he rushed the boy home as fast as he could.

Seonghwa walked onto the sand, a bit out of breath but still happy with how the day went. "Thanks for taking me there, I had fun" Seonghwa smiled softly, his wet hair sticking to his forehead. San smiled, "I had fun too, and thank you for the present" he thanked Seonghwa again holding up the jar. Seonghwa held up the pirate coins San got him, "thanks for the coins! They will look great in my collection!" he shouted giggling. San giggled back, "you're welcome!" he shouted. "See you tomorrow!" Seonghwa yelled before grabbing his towel and shirt running back inside his house. San watched as Seonghwa went into his house before diving back into the water a huge smile on his face as he swam home. 

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