The Newbie

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Kakashi's pov

The rain hasn't let up for these past couple days, a hawk sat on the railing of my apartment, sighing at both the summon and the weather, I changed into more suitable attire, transporting in the office, kneeling as a sign of respect, "You called Hokage-sama."

He gazed at me with a soft smile," I know you are requesting to be out of the ANBU and I shall honor that, but I need one more mission done before that. I refuse to allow Danzo's men to be sent, your going to observe the actions in a small town near the bloody mist, its full of orphans and poverty, I need you to find the orphans, and help in anyway possible, bring them back here. Will you be willingly to take this A rank

Kids, isn't that more of Iruka's expertise, but then again he chose me so I can't complain, "Hai."

"Great you'll leave in an hour, this is vital. Your free to leave now."

I bowed one more time, transporting back home, where I then left for this town, it had just been me running for a weak. Eating tasteless ration bars because I can't exactly cook, I always burn things. Don't know why but I do. Halting the town came in sight, to say it was depressing would be an understatement, everything about it, is in horrible conditions. People look half dead or are. After doing a quick transformation into a dirty looking orphan around Nineish, I went in, it was horrifying, almost made me sick, I've seen some messed up things but this...this just...this just takes the cake. The only people who were only looking sickly were quiet and hushed as they talked. Finding an alley way, near something I could gather intel on. I waited watching. Why was he so invested in this? I mean this is no condition for any person to live in. Two people who actually looked healthy were walking by, talking.

"How much do you think those brats got?"

"Better be a lot, but probably not, they are stupid kids."

"Right," I narrowed my eyes at them, what were they referring to. A sudden tap on my shoulder caused me to jump, I got distracted. There stood a boy with short black hair and green eyes, along with another who looked a lot like him but with blue eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" The green eyed asked." What happened?"

"Wha-what?" the stutter should add to the effect just have to remember to keep it.

"What happened to you to be on the street like this, never seen ya before."

Oh, right, I need to come up with a lie," U-uh, my-my pa-parents died i-in a fire. I-I got o-out, the-they didn't." I say faking the sad tone, hopefully they buy it. They are kids but that doesn't mean they are stupid per say.

"Sorry for ya loss, I'm Kashin, this is my big bro Aki. What's your name?" Kashin had asked me.

"Ya-Yami." Why Yami, whatever I'm going to roll with it.

" Yami, nice name, though a bit odd don't ya think." Kashin added but got hit on the head." Anyway we should bring you back with us, yeah, we can teach you all about fun things. Will be great friends."

"You can't speak about weird names Kashin." Aki had scolded," Anyway, isn't that jumping the gun? Scar doesn't need more problems."

" Come on, he clearly needs help. Please she would do it in a heartbeat, we all know how she is." Kashin had argued, giving him puppy dog eyes.

Whose this scar person, are they in charge? " Wh-who i-is Sc-scar?"

"Only the most coolest awesomeness person in the whole wide world!" Kashin gushed like a fanboy. Earning another smack on the head.

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