The Adoption Event and Scar's Plan

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Scar's pov

Two weeks, that's how long we have been here in Konoha, its so different from our old 'home' if you could even call that place our home. Its so hard to adjust, trying to process the fact we don't have to steal, the fact we don't have to worry about the collectors, that we have an actual roof, everything. Its... its hard. Most of us are still shell shocked, myself included, we learned everything fast. Faster then others would have then again, if we don't learn, we don't survive. 

That's another thing, we don't have to worry about dying in the horrific ways I've seen. Its so weird and today is the day. The day of the Adoption event and the day I leave. I know I'll never have a family, I know I'll never be accepted anywhere, which is why I'm going to travel. Because maybe, just maybe by some random chance I'll find someone who wants to be my friend.

"SCAR!!!" Jin yelled tackling me in a hug, causing me to stumble back a bit. Her eyes were watery, as my two other best friends came over.

"What's wrong Jin? Is someone hurt, did something bad happen?!" I panicked a bit, frantically searching for the threat.

"Nothings wrong." This made me deadpan and punch her.


"Gomen, but me, Levi and Eren got adopted. Can you believe it, we are going to a place called Kawa, the land of rivers.''

My eyes went wide, blinking a couple times, a genuine smile came to my face, "That's great, congratulations."

"Thanks! Did anyone approach you yet?''

I shook my head,'' No way, have you seen me, no one would ever want me in there lives.''

This earned a smack on the head, "Lies, because if it weren't for you none of us would be alive, we all are grateful you are in our lives. None of us would ever change that, we love you so much, Scar. Your our hero.'' She smiled, hugging me tightly, "We have to go now, perhaps we'll meet again, try to find your happiness and don't cry, your too pretty to cry, you will forever be my hero Scar-sama."

"Mine too.'' Eren said giving me a bone crushing hug, "You saved us, and we will miss you, bye. Scar-sama."

"I guess, I'll miss you too. Thanks for everything, Scar." Levi hugged me one last time, "Bye." I watched my three bestfriends leave, Jin waving to me, as was Eren, Levi just smiled.

"Bye." I whispered, waving lowly. My smile dropped slightly, gulping I went over to the large tree, sitting down in the shade. One by one, or two by two, everyone slowly went, the twins got adopted by a baker and his wife who lived in the hidden waterfall, the younger kids got adopted by Nobles, or lords, slowly the once bright day faded out to a falling sun.

Iruka the man who could never look at me approached me, "Scar... is it alright, if I leave you here? I need to report to the Hokage about everything."

Looking up, he flinched at me, making me sigh, "Its alright, but hey Iruka don't feel bad, I'm eternally grateful that you gave all my friends a home, with great people. I knew I wasn't going to be adopted so don't worry about it. Thank you, I'll be fine, I've survived eight years of beatings, tortures and everything in-between, I can take care of myself just fine, so don't get hung up over little ole me.  I can survive just a little bit longer. Tell Sarutobi and Ya- I mean Kakashi I said thank you, thank you for the food, clothes and roof over our heads. Arigatou, it was nice." Giving him a sweet genuine closed-eye smile.

He looked taken back, "Ri-right, I-I'll see you later, Scar." With that Iruka disappeared, springing up from my spot I checked that I still had my weapon, the storage scroll I 'liberated' from a shop which holds food, water and other necessary supplies such as a map and medical supplies. I pulled up the hood of my new hoodie, yeah we got some new clothes curtsey of the Hokage, I chose a replica of what I always wore, except I kept the googles and beanie. Setting down the note, I wrote earlier today. I made it out of Konoha, I glanced back at the village.

"Bye, Konoha, maybe I'll come back one day. For now though, I'll be on my way." With the final goodbye I left. Not turning back again.

Iruka's pov

I can't get that picture out of my head, what she said. Scar's smile, it was so happy and genuine. Even though, I failed... I failed to get her a home and yet she thanked me. She thanked Hokage-sama, Kakashi, and me. The person who couldn't even look at her, she made me scared, no terrified, I couldn't believe what happened, my brain refused to let me look at her. I guess its because she was a child, someone who should never have gotten something like that. Climbing the un-godly amount of stairs slowly, my footsteps were the only things you could be heard through the silent Hokage building. 

Knocking on the door his gruff voice answered, "Come in." Stepping through the door, it was closed silently, bowing in respect. "Ah Iruka, how did it go?"

I came up looking at him, "It went excellent, everyone got adopted, well, almost everyone. She didn't."

His smiled dropped a smidge, "I see, did you bring her with you? I would like to speak to her." I froze, I should have brought her.

"She's not with me, I told her to hang back at the academy." 

"I'll send an ANBU then." After about a minute, the ANBU came back, Scar wasn't with him, instead he held a single white letter, with neat handwriting on it.

'' Hokage-sama, there was no sign of the girl, but I found this by the tree.''

Oh no...

Hokage's pov

My eyes narrowed at the note, opening the letter, I read,"

Dear Sarutobi Hiruzen,

As you probably noticed I wasn't still at the academy, no I wasn't kidnapped or anything like that. I already made this decision before we came to Konoha, I was hanging around to make sure no one got hurt, I wanted to make sure your village didn't hurt them. Honestly, I couldn't trust you, I couldn't trust any of the adults, all encounters have led to watching someone hurt. So, I'm sorry about the mistrust. I just... I just couldn't stay in a village, its too hard. My bestfriends, my friends that I fought for found happy homes. When Kakashi led us here and helped us, I was happy that everyone wouldn't have to go hungry. I was happy that they wouldn't have to suffer.  I've seen too many children die I was afraid they would join those numbers. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you, thank you for everything you've done and for what Kakashi's done for not only me but them, my make-shift family.

With thanks,

Scar" I set my pipe down, leaning back in my chair, a long huff of air.

"What did it say Hokage-sama?" Iruka asked.

Looking solemnly at the letter, "Tell Kakashi I need to see him, immediately, drag him if you have too." The ANBU wasted no time in leaving, a moment later, the Lazy Ninja stood in front of me reading his book.

"Hokage-sama, what did you need me for?"

"She left...Scar left Konoha."

Authors note:

And that's another wrap and the end of the prologue, 1,238 words so it was a bit shorter but I hoped you enjoyed. I'll see you in Chapter 1. Bye-bye.

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