Collection and Plans

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Scar's pov

Training was all I could do till it was time. Time for the so called 'collection' its just the pigs of the orphanage leeching off the people they kicked out, no mercy I guess even for kids.

"Oi, brat get out here!" I stepped out from my area. "Where's the money?" Everyone was around watching these events un-fold.

I straightened my posture as I throw the sack of cash, "There, it's the exact quota."

"Oh, so its also the raised one." Raised? "Wait I never did tell you that, I'm so silly sometimes, the quota was doubled...yesterday." Do-doubled? We can barely make the original and now it's doubled!

"That isn't what you said, meanie." I heard a four-year-old mumble, if I did the collector also had, he had taken out a alligator skinned whip one that really digs into the flesh.

"What was that brat? Are you complaining about the quota." He drew back, going to strike the child. When my legs sprung forward having it slash my back, repeatedly, it was agonizing, but I'd never give him the satisfaction of my tears or cries. The strikes came ten more times, leaving my back bloody and ripping open the freshly closed ones.

I pulled away, my body swayed. Taking a deep breath I gained an evil blank look. "Leave you got your cash. I'll make up the difference give me a week.'' I spat at them.

"Two days."


"Two." He's not going to go any lower and definitely won't.


"See you in two days then." With that they both left. I gritted my teeth in pain.

'' Are you okay, your not hurt, are you?'' I asked the four-year-old Rinka.

She shook her head,'' But you are, your injured because of me.'' She started to cry. I sighed heavily, crouching to her, putting a hand on her blonde head. My hand was clean, as I gave her my famous closed eye smile.

"Hey, you have a bright future ahead of you, I'll make sure its a good one. I'll save you and get injured every time if it means you get to smile.'' She looked up at me with tearful eyes before hugging my leg when I stood up. "Alright, you heard those collectors. Apparently, the quota doubled, but it will be okay, we will all get through this, I'll find a way to get the money, for now, please go about your day. If you have food duty, water, or medical go ahead if you have rest take it." They all went off, "I have to get to work now, alright Rinka." She nodded and let go.

I walked, well more of stumbled, back to my little office. However, once I grabbed my pipe I fell to the floor, coughing up blood. Damn that hurts, Jin ran in along with Yami, Kashin, Aki, Levi and Eren.

"Scar, those are too deep, we have to get these patched right now.''

"No time, I have to get the money." I attempted to stand, yet that resulted in falling once more, coughing up even more blood. In the end I had to get held down for her to treat my injuries.

"That was stupid, you were already injured."

" I don't care, I won't let anyone get hurt. I'll get a injured a hundred times over before I let one of you.'' I scold only for her to slap me. Creating a handprint on my cheek and for my head to be swung to the side.

"And what about you? Your always taking everything, you hardly sleep, you train, and train. Pushing yourself to make sure every single person in this room is happy and you try so hard. If you want us to be happy then you have to stop getting hurt and do something for yourself, for once in your life!"

My breath hitched for a moment, before a prideful smirk grew upon my lips. I stood with my pipe already extended over my shoulder, "Jin, you're my best friend. For me to let my best friend and family get hurt is inexcusable, I bare my scars as medals, success I saved someone I care for. Now I'm going out, I'm going back to Kiri, for not just me, but you, Eren, Levi and even little Rima. I'll give everything and I'm damn proud too."

They all stared at me, Yami is starring the most, almost analyzing me, I feel like he isn't who he says he is, no I know he's not but its not my place to push. We all aren't who we were. "Sc-scar-sa-sama." He called to me. "Ca-can we ta-talk?"

I raise a brow, having everyone else leave so it was just the two of us, I want answers, and I might just get them. "What is it Yami?"

"Ho-how ma-many tim-times have yo-you done that?"

"Done what?"

"Taken the hit." Oh, his stutters gone and his confidence built up too much. He isn't afraid of me right now, when most would be scared to be alone with me.

I shrugged, "Too many times to count, but like I said I'm damn proud of every single one of these. Say Yami, I have a couple questions for you.''

"What?" He definitely isn't who he says he is.

"If you could forget something what would you forget? If you could restart what would you restart? If someone could see what happens in your head, what would they see?''

He went quiet, before looking up, his eyes held a hidden bravery, and lazy tone. While it was shielded by false fear, "Me, I would want to forget many things, too many to count, I would restart, to spare my mistakes. If someone saw inside my head, they would see a lot of things, I'm not proud of, so I strive to be better." He finished. 

I smirked before drawing my pole, holding it to his neck. "Interesting words, for a 'nine' year old. So, who are you? If you're here to harm anyone I'll kill you on the spot."

He smirked a small bit, a puff of smoke later a tall man with gravity defying hair stood in front of me, he had a shinobi head band, "How could you tell?'' His voice was slightly deep and lazy.

"Loss of stutter, the eyes don't match the demeanor, plus you just don't match. I'm not an idiot, I've seen people turn into people I didn't think was possible. I may be only eight almost nine, but I've been around the block. So, Yami what's your name? Your real name."

"I'm Hatake Kakashi, from Konohagakure, I'm a ninja." 

"Harm or help?"

He stopped for a moment, "Pardon?"

"Harm or help, which is your intention." I raised it up so it would be taller, I might not win this fight, he seems to strong for that, but he would still get an injury or two. "Hatake Kakashi from Konohagakure. Depending on your answer I won't be playing nice."


"How can I trust your word? If anything you could be a spy to learn how we tic, then crush us when I'm gone, or when they are gone. You could be here to extort anything to get out of these orphans."

He reached towards a pouch, my eyes trained on every movement, from heartbeat, breathing to the twitch of muscles, a scroll is pulled out, "My mission... its outlined in here."

I take the scroll reading over it, I was one of the few who could, I'm self-taught though so I'm probably not the best. I lowered the rod and looked up into his one visible eye, " Seems what you said is true, Yami, sorry Hatake.''

"Its understandable to be suspicious if I were you, I would be the same. Now, we can plan to get you out of here."

"No need, I have plan after plan, emergencies and all, paper and ink are hard to snatch so, I'm going to tell you the plan, report to whoever you think can seriously help then come back.'' He nodded I outlined everything for him. Our plan was set now, to execute it.

Authors note:

That's a wrap 1343 words, not the longest chapter, but hey its still decent, anyway, I know its slow but I promise it will pick up. So till next time, bye-bye.

Konohagakure- Village hidden in the Leaves

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