Chapter 9: An unexpected discovery

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Life's greatest surprises come in small packages...

"Oh really?" He stated folding his arms and leaning on a huge oak, "You'd be able to explain why you have balls on your chest rather than between your legs?"

When Rowan had followed Jon out of the camp that night, he had been prepared to slit his throat if he happened to be a spy but the sight before him had stunned him into a breathless silence as he beheld the vision behind him.

He had asked if any of Jon's tent mates noticed anything strange about him...her but all he had gotten were comments on his weekly disappearance around this time for hours on end.

When he had asked why they hadn't followed they said they had thought he went to, as they put it, wank off. Now that he thought about it, if any of them had bothered to follow her, they'd surely be the ones needing to wank off every week if not even daily.

Rowan wondered how he had never noticed her curves in her clothes because she had a more than ample figure that in proper female clothing would surely cause a man to lose his wits.

How had she managed to hide her body for so long?

Now that she was bathed in the full glow of the moon; water droplets glistening on her skin, hair slick and smooth against her skin, full lips spread as she moaned in the water, he wondered why he had not given much thought to the femininity of her face.

He heard the noise of the other soldiers approaching but they were still some distance away so she would have time to fetch her clothes if he managed to warn her without her screaming her head off.

"You're not very good at keeping your secret, Jon." He called out obviously startling her.

Really? That was the best you could come up with? His subconscious hissed.

Her scream was to be expected and in her surprise, she turned around forgetting she was currently undressed to find him staring at her, her scream getting even louder when she realized her mistake.

Perhaps he hadn't thought his plan through, at this point she would only make the men appear faster but he'd be damned if he wanted her to leave so quickly. Not when she had such beautiful...

"Oh God! I can explain." She stuttered moving further into the lake so it was only her head that was above water.

"Oh really?" He stated folding his arms and leaning on a huge oak making sure to send her a mocking look, "You'd be able to explain why you have balls on your chest rather than between your legs?"

She sent him a dirty glare and sighed earning a mocking laugh from him which faded as the sounds of the soldiers drew closer.

"A little privacy please." She hissed still glaring at him, although he saw her façade fade as she slivered slightly in the cold.

"By all means. Anything for the lady." He smirked looking to tease her before turning around. He was still a gentleman if anything. Although, "Then again I have seen all there is to see and might I add, it was indeed a beautiful sight. You might want to hurry though, I might be fine with just looking but I doubt your brother's in arms will take kindly to your new look."

He didn't need to look at her to see her worried face and he sighed turning back into the woods where he met a company of about five recruits heading towards the lake.

"Your Majesty!" They greeted as they saw him.

"Good evening gentlemen." He said a little too cheerfully so she'd know to hurry up her dressing, "Where might you be headed on such a fine night?"

"We were heading to the lake, Your Majesty." One of them answered, "We wanted to go for a night swim."

"Ah. I was just coming from that direction myself but the water was cold enough to freeze my balls off so I turned back."

"We're used to the cold, Your..."

"Not this one." He smiled, clapping one on the shoulder, "Come on. You should head back. Perhaps tomorrow you could enjoy the water better."

"Yerr... Ungh!" An elbow to the gut silenced his protest.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The one that had answered him earlier and interrupted his friend with an elbow in the gut said with a bow, "Come on boys."

Rowan sighed and walked back to the lake silently relieved that he had saved her the embarrassment at being caught as well as the danger.

At least now he knew why she had made such a daring wager with Ian but that still didn't explain why she was there though and her skill with the bow. Plus her red hair did cause him concern.

Now that the other soldiers were definitely going to spread the word that the lake was off limits for tonight, he would have time to question her even though some parts of him would like to do otherwise.

"I suppose I should thank you." She said as soon as he stepped out of the tree line.

Unfortunately for him, she was fully dressed and after seeing her unclad, he could spot the slight curve of her hips in her slightly too big breeches although her chest was hidden by the extra-large shirt and bindings she was sure to be wearing.

"You should." He said folding his hands and leaning on a tree stump, "I mean I possibly just saved your life."

"You're right." She said nodding, "I thank you for saving my life."

"You can thank me properly by answering my questions." He said turning serious, "Surely you don't expect to let you return to my camp with what I know."

She looked like she was contemplating whether to run or not but sighed and slumped on the grass.

"What? You probably have a lot of questions and I don't intend to stand around all night answering them."

That was easier than he thought. He mused.

"Why don't we start with what you're doing here." He started, sitting on a boulder looking down on her, "My edict clearly stated I was recruiting men. Yet here you are."

She bit her lip as if wondering how to answer his question, unaware of the effect that that had on him.

He cleared his throat and rearranged himself of the boulder he was currently sat on to ease his discomfort.

"My father served in your father's special forces dutifully but before the end of the war, he suffered a bad leg injury." She started staring him straight in the eyes, "He didn't send me in his stead if that's what you're thinking. I stole his letter and came of my own accord."

"Knowing fully well the deceit is punishable by death?"

Her eyes widened as the seriousness of his tone hit her. Perhaps she hadn't considered he could take it as seriously as he did.

"Your Highness, I..."

"You should know I actually thought you were a spy and I followed you here thinking I'd find you cavorting with the enemy."

"I could never..."

"I wasn't finished." He scolded rising to his feet, "I hope you'll forgive me when I say that although you might have won your wager, I do not think I can allow you to remain here."

"Is it because I'm a woman? I'm really handy with a bow. I do not have to enter into the battle directly."

"Something tells me you won't be content fighting behind the lines."

She looked contemplative for a second and sighed biting her lip again although he wasn't affected this time with the seriousness of their conversation hanging over them like a wet blanket over a fire. The flame of desire he felt for her had currently receded to the back of his mind, the need to act the King he was, taking fore front.

"Will you at least let me stay until the end?" She asked, defeat heavy in her tone.

He frowned, "And why should I do that?"

Another chappie coming up shortly.

Its a 3 for 1 

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