Chapter 10: You see me

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The best things in life are the things you fight for...

He frowned, "And why should I do that?"

Joana knew the answer like she knew the back of her hand. Since her arrival at this camp, she had found the one thing she didn't realize would complete her.

Any other woman would have been satisfied cooking and raising a family but the thought had never appealed to her as much as hunting with her father had.

She answered without giving much thought to it.

"I love training with the men." She said earning a confusing look from King Rowan.

The pale light of the full moon gave an imposing aura to the serious expression on his face that his slender build didn't allow.

"Don't get me wrong." She explained with a laugh, "These men are brutes but I've always wanted to do more with my life than sew and cook and bear children."

At that he laughed and the serious expression was gone, sitting with zero grace on the boulder, indicating that she continue her explanation.

If anything, he seemed less inclined to kick her out so she continued her tale. There was no need to hide anything from him.

"Hearing of the conscription notice I didn't think twice about taking my father's place." She smiled, "He was crippled in the last war after saving your father from an enemy arrow but wasn't given a hero's reward."

Even though he had said it didn't matter and that he was glad he was able to help his King, Joana could tell from the way his voice quivered when he spoke that he had indeed felt it unfair but said otherwise to appease himself.

"I'm sorry." King Rowan said sounding as honest as one could, "If my father had known..."

"Its alright Your Highness." She smiled, "Everything that happened led up to this moment so I don't regret it one bit."

"I don't think it's you that should regret anything." He laughed, a truly happy sound that had her smiling in turn. It seemed this king was one that was quick to smile despite all that had happened.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Your Highness." She said rising to her feet, "The kingdom might have lost their king but you lost your father."

He looked away from her, fists clenched.

"I'm sorry. I..." She apologized reaching out a hand to comfort him but thought better of it, wiping her palms that were suddenly sweaty, "I shouldn't have...It was not my place."

"No." He said, voice thick with emotion, "Its fine. I just haven't heard anyone say that and mean it. Thank you."

For once, Joana didn't know what to say.

The silence between them was thick but not oppressively so but a kind of comfortable thickness that reminded her of a warm blanket and the smoky air of furnace warmed room in the cold winter months.

"Come on." He stood dusting of his pants, voice clear of whatever emotion had hung between them, "I should walk you back to camp."

He teased her by extending his arm and making a mock bow.

"I assure you I can find my way back to camp on my own." She said slapping his arm away keeping the playful atmosphere.

One could find it easy to forget that he had seen her naked mere minutes ago.

"I'm trying to keep the lady sa...."

Her hands slapped on his mouth harder than she intended but she didn't care so much.

"Will you shut up?" She growled.

He shook his head.

"Why ever not?"

He licked her palm and she yelped cleaning her hand on her breeches.

"That's disgusting."

"You seem to forget I'm your King." He stated, "You can't talk to me that way."

"You sure don't act like it." She murmured.

"What was that?" He asked even though he had heard her perfectly well.


"Coward." He laughed heading off into the darkened forest company ahead of her.

They walked in comfortable silence, playfully shoving each other once in a while and they soon reached the camp line.

Joana felt like she would miss him and their playful banter but she shut that feeling down.

It wouldn't do for to start feeling too familiar with him.

"Thank you." He said suddenly startling her.

"What?" She asked, unsure she had heard correctly.

"You speak to me like I'm a regular person. Not many people can do that." He smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head, "I've been faced with many people who only talk to me and saw me as a Prince and now a king they could get something from but that's not you. This is the most calm I've been since my father was killed. So thank you."

Joana's heart skipped a little bit at his confession and she couldn't deny in that moment she wanted to lean over and kiss him till he forgot all his worries.

Do it!!!!!

Shut up! Jeez!!!

He didn't have to live so uncomfortably babysitting them in the middle of nowhere. He deserved to sleep in a warm soft bed in palaces but here he was struggling to avenge the death of his father.

"I'm glad I could be of help, Your Majesty."

He smiled at her then and ruffled her hair.

"Would you mind if I sought you out again tomorrow?"

Her eyes widened of their own accord and for a minute she was lost on what to answer.

"I'm sorry I..."

"No no. Its fine. I mean you can. We can meet tomorrow."

He nodded and nudged her shoulder playfully as if he didn't know what to do with his hands.

"See you tomorrow then." He waved, "Get to bed recruit."

She found herself stupidly waving at him even after he'd gone far enough away.

What are we doing? Her subconscious asked.

She cleared her throat and sharply turned waking back to her tent, falling asleep to memories of the handsome King with the bright smile.

And thats a wrap for my 3fer.

I'll be posting more chapters so soon but I do hope you enjoyed these ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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