Chapter 5: A Tete a Tete with a Sexy Knight

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In my eyes,
you're brighter than the sun on a summer afternoon...

"Well hello John. If that's even your name." He started folding his arms, "Now may I ask, what are you doing here?"

Joana didn't know wether to spill all her secrets to the man that stared her down like he was sure of her secret or just keep up with her farce.

"I've come to fulfill my duty to Myonmar." She started, her voice a tad bit lower to ward off whatever suspicions the man had, "My birth name is Dawy but I much rather prefer the name John. It's my Christian name."

Sir Ian sent her a dark look that chilled her to her bone before taking some steps forward.

"You forget I have access to the birth records of all families in this kingdom." He reminded her with each step he took, "And a John was never mentioned under your father's name. I don't know much about your father but I doubt the honorable Sir Marcus would sire a bastard."

Joana schooled her face into one of deep indignation hoping he'd think he had hurt her feelings if she had any.

"A bastard son you say. Indeed I am." Joana spat out, " My name may not be in his records but he treated me as he would any legitimate son. He was no pompous noble after all."

The expression on the general's face flitted by quickly, his resolve hardening as he probably came to a conclusion.

"If you truly are the man you claim to be, you won't mind me doing this then."

Joana felt his hand before she saw him move, her hand raising to land a slap on his face before she could stop it.

She took a step back and placed a hand over her mouth.

Did you just slap the King's best friend?! She screamed internally.

He was going to touch my chest first! Her subconscious replied.

Oh my God! I'm so dead.

"Sir I..." She started, meaning to apologize for the slap but stopped when she noted the fierce expression on his face.

"This only confirmed my suspicions." He stated tonelessly, "And I wasn't going to to..ouch you."

If there had been better lighting, Joana was sure she would see a hot blush across his cheeks.

Wanting to end the conversation as quickly as possible, she went on her knees and played the pitiful act not one bit deterred in her decision to save her father's life.

"Are you going to report me to the King?" She asked not looking up at him lest he spy the insincerity in her eyes, "I did this to save my father and I don't regret it one bit. Your conscription should have excluded men like him from this war but it seems our new King only cares about revenge and not his people."

"How dare you talk poorly of your King?!" He whisper yelled into the darkness, "Of course he cares about his people. It's why he's taking such drastic actions early on. Would you rather him wait until Suderia has invaded our borders and slaughter children?"


"No matter how noble your concerns may have been, it cannot change the fact you're a woman." He interrupted still not asking her to get off her knees, "This is no place for your kind."

She stood to her feet and stepped closer to him raising her head to look into his eyes even though she could barely see, ignoring the buzz that went through her at his nearness.

"I've looked through your camp of men" She said spitting the word with as much acid as she could muster, "I'm more able bodied than a whole lot of the young sods barely free of their mothers tits."

At his hiss, she knew she had probably struck a sore spot. Good. She could still win this argument.

"It doesn't..."

"What's the worst that would happen? I would get evicted at the first assessment in a week. No one has to know a woman infiltrated your camp if you don't let them." She frowned taking a step back, "You not letting me stay means you're afraid I'll either out do your men and last till the end or I'll somehow be a distraction. But isn't that too much power to accord one woman."

Silence hung heavy over them like a wet blanket but Joana knew she had won their argument. It all came down to wether or not he was ready to risk appearing afraid of a woman. She had chosen her final words carefully and although her fingers shook she chose to harbor a sliver of doubt.

"One week." He said, almost so quietly she felt she had imagined it.

"What?" She asked her hands shaking more intensely now as the fear of actually being left to train with the men finally overwhelmed her.

"If you can avoid getting caught in one week I'll let you partake in the assessment." He sighed and she could hear the defeat in his voice.

Lacking the feminine urge to squeal, she gave a nod of understanding, not caring if he could see her, and walked back to camp heart heavy in her hands.

Tomorrow and over the next few days, she would have to prove herself and the General wrong, her goal no longer to just keep her father from dying but to perhaps finally find a place she felt like she belonged in even if it was with a false identity.

Tomorrow it begins....

Another chapter down for The King's Guard.

Joanna and Ian seem to have a hint of sexual chemistry I tried to portray in this chapter. In as much as most people hate three way stories, this is going to be a love triangle like story.

I can't wait to see the ship names that form as we go on.

Have a great day ahead.


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