Chapter 2: The Big Decision

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In his eyes I saw fire and brimstone,
All the things I needed to go on...

Joana met her father's gaze as the news was passed and he bore the same look as a man stabbed in the heart.

She didn't know how close her father was to the late king but from his shocked expression, they might have been closer than she expected.

"Silence!" Lord Barymore yelled trying to control the panicked crowd but with the weak falsetto of his voice, the long suffering citizens paid him no mind.

It came as no surprise to her or the knight, as she noticed, that the news of his death would cause such uproar.

King Frederick was well loved by the people of Myonmar since he had saved them from the tyranny of Suderia and had helped restore order to the scattered kingdom.

Now that he was gone, they feared the worst for their finally recovering country as they knew little to nothing about the late King's heir.

Joana pitied the man to take his father's place because he would have huge shoes to fill in order to maintain the peace and tranquility his father had restored to their kingdom. It wasn't all perfect but at least they all had food on their tables and clothes on their backs.

The knights ability to command a crowd was demonstrated once again when with just a raise of his hand, he managed to silence the crowd.

She felt her brows deepen in a frown as curiosity burned inside her as to who this powerful man could be.

Was he really just a knight or perhaps the crown Prince himself?

"I know you are all grieved by our beloved King's death," His deep voice came booming over the crowd, its very depth and richness startling her down to get core, "but now is not the time to mourn or show weakness. We have reason to believe that our great king was murdered by those tyrannous bastards from Suderia in an attempt to gain control of our lands. Are we going to let this injustice go unpunished?!"

His question with met with thunderous cries of disapproval. Everyone found it hard to forget what those northern scumbags had done to them before King Frederick had raised an army to their defense.

Now that he was gone and the older of generation of fighting were almost all retired or severely injured, she wondered what this question would entail for the people of Myonmar.

It seemed some of the other veteran soldiers in their town were thinking the same as her as they stared grimly at the knight standing on the platform before them.

Chills ran down her spine as the full impact of his words hit her.

They were going to have to go to war against Suderia, that much was obvious, but did Myonmar even have the army to do that? She wondered. Unless...

"A conscription bill has been passed by the new King Rowan, Late king Frederick's son, to all young men of the kingdom as well as a recall of veteran soldiers in the Special Forces put together by King Frederick. One man from each family is required to..."

His message was met with murmurs and disagreement as the severity of his words finally hit them.

What did they all think was going to happen in the first place?

Myonmar didn't have a large enough army to fight off Suderia again and a conscription was truly the only way they could stand even the slightest of chances in the event of a war, that basic fact she could understand.

One man from each family is to...

The knight's words resounded in her brain causing her to gasp.

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