training to be a hero

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[Any comments will be appreciated they will help this story GO EVEN FURTHER BEYOND!!! Now let's do this]

Zeus: that's the spirit
Zeus: yesterday we trained your tail but you also have to train your muscles and after we've trained your muscles we'll go see an old friend of mine
Enter training montage

3 hours later
Bell: I'm tired
Zeus: come on it wasn't that bad I bet you can do even
Bell: my legs, arms, and lungs are on fire
Zeus: don't worry that just mean that your getting stronger and plus you better get used to it, that will be your daily training from now on ok.
Bell: ok
And so for the next 2 weeks bell did his daily training

Zeus: bell where are you?
Bell: I am in my room reading a book
Zeus: let me guess it's the Argonaut
Bell: yep
Zeus: come to the kitchen it's time for your next lesson
Bell: ok, I AM HERE
Zeus: nice pose

Ginyu: pathetic

Zeus: who da hell are you?!
Ginyu: umm abort mission!

Take 2

Bell: well enough about poses, what's the next lesson
Zeus: very well then, your next lesson will be learning how to cook.
Bell: why?
Zeus: because you don't know what could happen when you are exploring and defeating monsters so you have to learn how to cook in order to survive and also when a man know how to cook it makes them more attractive so it can help with romahhnnnnce.

Bell: fine I'll learn to cook but not for attention but so I can learn how to survive and also so that I can eat delicious food.
Zeus: meh works for me.
After cooking lessons
Zeus: we made a good amount of food and it's almost dinner time so let's eat
Bell: yay!
Zeus: how does it taste?
Bell: it taste amazing I could eat this all day.
Zeus: I sure you could.
Zeus: anyways tomorrow we are going on a trip to meet my friend to get some more ingredients so that you can continue your cooking lessons and also so that you can be taught by him so get some rest.

Bell: ok I'll go to bed after I eat
After eating
Bell: ahhh that hit the spot
Zeus: bell get ready for bed we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.
Bell: ok
In the morning [ it is 10am]
Zeus: "bell wake up" he said kicking the door open
Bell: I'm waking up now, can you wait outside while I get ready.
Zeus: ok
After bell finished changing
Bells clothes:

Zeus: that a good outfit especially where we are going Bell: where are we going Zeus:we are going to a farm and we may run into some monsters so be on guard at all times because one wrong move could cost you your lifeBell: ok but I won't run from ...

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Zeus: that a good outfit especially where we are going
Bell: where are we going
Zeus:we are going to a farm and we may run into some monsters so be on guard at all times because one wrong move could cost you your life
Bell: ok but I won't run from them instead I will fight them
Zeus: that's my grandson , now let's go get some horses from one of my friends.
After packing up and getting the horses
Zeus: "now onward!" He said while the horses started to move
1 hour later
Bell: hey grandpa how long is it until we get there
Zeus: I say about 2 more hours
Bell: oh ok what do I do until then
Zeus: I don't know how about you take a nap.
Bell: fine I am kinda tired anyway
Inside bells dreams
Bell: where am I
[Me : it's time to add POV's]

Bell POV
I heard some people talking I couldn't see they're faces but I got the strangest feeling of deja vu
??? : if we were to ever to go into war we can't have him fighting or else he would die and you know that
This person sound like a man not only did he sound powerful but his voice also had lots of authority
???: damn it.
This person sounded like he was in denial, but why?
[Scene change]
???: is everything ok you seems sad
This time it was a woman her voice was soft and innocent it sounded like she couldn't he hurt a fly.
[Scene change]
??? : he too weak he will die if he stay here
[Another scene change]
???:don't worry we will find you again bell I hope things go well for you in your new life
???: goodbye kiddo be strong
???: I'm not crying your crying
Then I heard all of them say something.
???: goodbye Lemo.
[End of dream]

Then I woke up ,who were those people and who is Lemo I feel like I forgot something important put I can't remember it *sigh* maybe it will come back to me one day but for now let's focus on what's happening right now

Nobody's POV
Zeus: ah so you finally awake
Bell: yeah and I also had a really strange dream.
Zeus: oh really now can you tell me what this strange dream is.
Bell: well I in my dream there were 3 people talking about someone weak and how they could stay and then they all said goodbye, it really made no sense.
Zeus: (could it be a memory? No it's not possible after all when I found Bell he was only 6 and a half months old so there is no way he could remember something at that age or, right?)
Bell: hey grandpa you stopped talking is something wrong.
Zeus: no nothing is wrong I was just thinking.
Bell: oh what were you thinking about.
Zeus: nothing important
Bell: hmm sus oh well.
Zeus: and we are here.
Bell: finally I was bored
Zeus: you were asleep for almost 2 hours.
Bell: yeah yeah now what are we doing.
Zeus: we are here to get some ingredients remember.
Bell: oh yeah I forgot hehe.
Zeus: good grief.
???: hey Jupiter is that you.
Zeus: oh here he comes Bell
??? : oh who is this?
Zeus: bell meet my friend Peter
Peter: sup
Bell: nice to meet you Peter .
Peter: so this is you grandson.
Zeus: yup this is my grandson bell.
Peter: let me guess you are here for some vegetables
Zeus: you got it.
Peter: well that may not be possible.
Zeus: wait why?!
Peter: there are some monsters eating my crops but thank God they ran away once they saw me must be my power.
Zeus: yeah sure.
Bell: I can help you.
Peter: really thanks.
Bell: your welcome now when are they coming back.
Peter: well they came around nighttime last night so I think they are coming back when it is nighttime again. But while we wait help me get some crops.
Bell: ok
Peter: you too Jupiter your not getting away.
Zeus: dang it.
After 6 hours of working on the farm
Peter: ok that's enough for today
Zeus: phew now let's use these to make us a delicious stew.
Bell: the sun is starting to set.
Peter: yeah your right maybe the monsters are coming but while we wait let's make us some stew I bet you worked up an appetite.
Bell: yes I have.
[Me: prepare yourself]

Peter: I heard from Jupiter that you eat quite a lot now let's get going.
Zeus: remember I'm cooking.
Peter: ok
After Zeus finished cooking
Zeus: there we go now eat up
Peter: thanks
Bell: "finally food" he said while drooling.
Zeus: prepare yourself Peter.
Peter: for what?
Zeus: for bell
Peter: ???

Then bell starts eating 10 full course meals
Peter: holy chicken nuggies what is this kid.
Zeus: don't know.
Peter: what do you mean you don't know you are his grandfather for Goodness sake.
Zeus: "adoptive grandfather." He corrected
Peter: shut those things came back we have to go
Bell: finally I was starting to wonder when those things will come.
Zeus: Peter let bell handle them.
Peter: what wrong with you he's going to get hurt!
Zeus: just trust me on this.
Peter: tch fine but if things get out of hands I'm intervening.
Bell: now where are these monsters.

And without bell noticing a monster came from behind him and tried attacking him
Bell: what the?!
Then the monster roared calling for more of them and monsters starting coming from the shadows
Bell: oh you have got to be kidding me fine I will take all of you on.
Then bell started fighting the monsters he was strong enough to fight some off but there was so many that he was getting overwhelmed
Peter: screw it I'm going to help him
Zeus: no wait for bit longer if he starts to lose more then we will intervene.
But bell was losing but litte did both know that thing were about to get messy
Peter: ok that's enough I'm getting in there
Zeus: ok let's help him

Then one of the monsters hit bell and put him in a position which let him face the full moon
Bell: damn it!

But then Bell looked at the moon which started to cause Bells body started to change he started growing fur, his teeth became sharp ,his eyes became more red and then he let out a mighty roar which could be heard from miles away, he had turned into a great ape.

[Me: yeah 1540 words baby.]

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