the date?!

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[I am Going to be honest I've lost interest in this and this will end up being discontinued so yeah enjoy this last chapter]

[Sike there's now way I am just going
to end this book because when I start something I make sure to finish it
Happy April fools]

[Also Tell me what technique do you think bell was going to learn from the G.O.D
Ok for real let's-a go to the story while you think about it]

Bell's POV
"I've been training my ki so that I can use that technique that Hestia's friend gave me I'm kinda getting the hang of it. the scroll told me the concentrate my ki into my hand and steady the end of my ki and since the ki has stabilized I have to constantly put ki into it after all that the ki turns into a blade that I can use, I can somewhat use it but with a bit more training I should be able to use this easily bit for the time being I will just continue put my ki into my weapons"
End Bell's POV

At the guild
Eina: seriously you want to go to floor 7?!
Eina: It was only about 3 days ago that you were nearly killed on the 5th floor how insane could be possibly be?!
Bell: oh come on I grown a lot since then and besides have I told you that my stats is all the way up to rank C.
Eina: what there no way?!
Small time skip
Eina: hmmmm. you weren't kidding all your stats really are rank C!
Bell: so can I go to floor 7 then.
Eina: well I don't see why not let you go the 7th floor since you could be able to beat the monsters easily but on the other hand your armor ugh.
Eina: you know what do, you have any plans for tomorrow?
Bell: no not really other than go to the dungeon why do you ask?
Eina: meet me by mama Mia's tomorrow ok.
Bell: ok then see ya.
The next day
Bell: (hmm where is Miss Eina?)
Eina: bell over here!
Bell: oh Miss Eina
[Eina's outfit]

Eina: good morning bell, wow you got here pretty early were you looking forward to shopping with me that much~Bell: well you know what they say early bird catches the worm

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Eina: good morning bell, wow you got here pretty early were you looking forward to shopping with me that much~
Bell: well you know what they say early bird catches the worm.
Eina: indeed but to be honest I was looking forward to spending the day with you as well that's why I dressed up (his tail is wagging kinda like a puppies how cute)
Eina: uh bell this is where you compliment my outfit.
Bell: oh um you look a lot younger.
Eina: "I'm not that old to begin with I'm only 19 you better apologize to me " she said while putting his face on her chest
Bell: "hey let go of me!" He said while using his tail to tickle her
Eina: hahaha ok I give up just stop tickling me.
Bell: ok fine, now where are we going?
Eina: you'll find out when we get there.
At babel
Eina: ok now let's go to the hephaestus familia shop.
Bell: wait... what?! No way they're stuff if so freaking expensive I can't even think of buying something from there!
Eina: can you stop yelling and loosen up a little come on let's go.
At the shop
Bell: this place looks amazing who would have thought such an amazing place existed.
Eina: yes this place is impressive but it's the top that gets the most attention
Bell: wow , woah! That cost 30 million valis holy shet!
Hestia: hello valuable customers
Bell: eh?
Hestia: what are you doing here?!
Bell: I could say the same to you?!
Hestia: hmm who's this?
[Me: I have made Hestia not clingy to bell for many reason but forget the details and continue the story]
Bell: goddess this is my adviser-
Eina: It is a pleasure to meet you goddess Hestia I am Eina Tulle Bell's dungeon adviser
Hestia: oh is that so are you sure that your not something else to him~ hehe.
Eina: huh I like to keep my personal life a secret. 😅
About 3 minutes later
Eina: well she sure is uhh interesting
Bell: yeah sorry about that .
Eina: ok were here, now you think that all the high quality hephaestus item maybe out of your price range right?
Bell: well yeah.
Eina: well then this might surprise you then. Here take a look at this sword.
Bell: wow it's not that expensive.
Eina: pretty good right everything here is sold by novice blacksmiths ,everything here is sold cheap and good reviews are good for novice blacksmiths as well sometimes you can find some amazing equipment if you know where to look
Now shall we get going.
Bell: woah look at this store I have a good feeling about this one.
Eina: wait bell.
Bell: I'm gonna go check the back ok.
Eina: there he goes again, I wonder where he gets all this energy from?
With bell
Bell: wow wait there some light armor over there. Hmm there's a signature on the armor it says.
[Off story]
Bell: Dio?
Dio: you thought it was gonna be welf crozzo but it was me Dio!
We'll be back after the break

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