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[A/N: I really wanted to reboot this story but the people have spoken, I will reboot this story but after I finish the story and I'm going to try and finish this as soon as possible without rushing too much]

[A/N: I really wanted to reboot this story but the people have spoken, I will reboot this story but after I finish the story and I'm going to try and finish this as soon as possible without rushing too much]

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The next day

3rd pov

Hestia: "Bell are we there yet? My feet are killing me" She days while Bell helps her walk by pushing her
Bell: What are you talking about your feet can't kill you and plus we only have to walk about 10 more minutes should be easy.
Hestia: "10 MORE MINUTES Argh!" She falls to the floor face first
Bell: Come one Goddess exercising is good for your body, you also have to lose all those calories from all those Jagamarukun you've been eating tou have gain quite a bit of weight.
Hestia: Are you calling me fat?!
Bell: You are getting fat and you know it.
Hestia: "Bell is a bully" she says with a depressed aura around her
Bell: Fine I'll carry you to the city
Hestia: Yay thank you Bell!

Hestia gets up and tries jumps onto Bell's back but he dodges
Hestia: Hey why did you dodge.
Bell: I've have learned to dodge thanks to a green man and also you were about to jump on my tail you could have hurt it.
Hestia: Oh right sorry.
Bell: "It's ok" he says as he picks up Hestia and flies to the city

Bell picks up Hestia and flies toward the city

Bell: Hey guys what's sup!

Welf: Oh hey Be-
Everyone looks around trying to find Bell
Bell: UP HERE!
Everyone looks up and their jaws drop Bell was literally flying right now
Welf: Since when can you fly?!
Bell: I've been flying bro.
Lili: "Master Bell look!" She says pointing at the area filled with crystal's
Bell: Cool, now let's go to the Village I'm starving!
Hestia: Oh no.

Hermès: (Interesting not only can the boy can fire lasers from his hands and make weapons but also fly just what kind of magic is this? Guess I'll have to do some more research.)

[It's that time, Time skip time]

Bell: Finally we're here now let's find some food.
Welf: You just ate over there your hungry again?
Hestia: "He was just trying not to bother them with his huge appetite" she says mumbling
Lili: What was that Goddess Hestia?
Hestia: Nothing!
Lili: Ok
Ais: This is Rivira, a city built by adventurers

Another Timeskip!

Random: If you don't like it take your business elsewhere
Lili: You Moth-
Tione: And all the inns are extremely expensive as well.
Bell: So that's why you decided to camp in the woods.
Tiona: Hey check out the brain on
Mr. Argonaut
Bell: Huh where'd she go?
Ais: "Are you looking for her?" She says pointing at Hestia which was trying to buy some perfume

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